Eine Plattform für die Wissenschaft: Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik
The Good Practices Catalogue of Participatory Urban Agriculture
The Good Practices Catalogue of Participatory Urban Agriculture addresses some of the main challenges related to governance systems within the Danube Region that can be associated with the decreasing capacities of public authorities to incorporate a participatory approach into planning. It offers concrete lessons on how to enhance public services, promote active citizenship, reinforce public participation and contribute to the sustainability of cities by means of urban agriculture. It brings conceptualization and systematization of urban agriculture~analysis of political framework that supports participatory urban agriculture in the Danube Region~review of the role of urban agriculture in the EU-funded programmes and projects and of their relevance for the questions addressed by the AgriGo4Cities project~and presentation of selected good practices of participatory urban agriculture aiming to provide a know-how about designing successful participatory gardens. It addresses scholars and practitioners (civil society and decision-makers) interested in the fields of urban agriculture, participatory planning, social inclusion and sustainable development. ; Katalog dobrih praks participativnega urbanega kmetijstva naslavlja nekaj glavnih izzivov občin, regij in držav v Podonavju, povezanih z upadom zmogljivosti javnih organov za uporabo participativnega pristopa v načrtovanju. Predstavljene so konkretne izkušnje z razvijanjem participativnega urbanega kmetijstva, ki so vplivale na izboljšanje javnih storitev, spodbujale aktivnejše državljanstvo, krepile sodelovanje javnosti in prispevale k trajnostnemu razvoju mest. Knjižica prinaša konceptualni premislek o urbanem kmetijstvu in njegovo sistematizacijo~analizo političnega okvira, ki podpira participativno urbano kmetijstvo v Podonavju~pregled evropskih programov in projektov, ki razvijajo urbano kmetijstvo in se posvečajo enakim ciljem kot projekt AgriGo4Cities~in predstavitev izbranih dobrih praks participativnega urbanega kmetijstva, katerih namen je predstaviti ...
The Good Practices Catalogue of Participatory Urban Agriculture
The Good Practices Catalogue of Participatory Urban Agriculture addresses some of the main challenges related to governance systems within the Danube Region that can be associated with the decreasing capacities of public authorities to incorporate a participatory approach into planning. It offers concrete lessons on how to enhance public services, promote active citizenship, reinforce public participation and contribute to the sustainability of cities by means of urban agriculture. It brings conceptualization and systematization of urban agriculture~analysis of political framework that supports participatory urban agriculture in the Danube Region~review of the role of urban agriculture in the EU-funded programmes and projects and of their relevance for the questions addressed by the AgriGo4Cities project~and presentation of selected good practices of participatory urban agriculture aiming to provide a know-how about designing successful participatory gardens. It addresses scholars and practitioners (civil society and decision-makers) interested in the fields of urban agriculture, participatory planning, social inclusion and sustainable development. ; Katalog dobrih praks participativnega urbanega kmetijstva naslavlja nekaj glavnih izzivov občin, regij in držav v Podonavju, povezanih z upadom zmogljivosti javnih organov za uporabo participativnega pristopa v načrtovanju. Predstavljene so konkretne izkušnje z razvijanjem participativnega urbanega kmetijstva, ki so vplivale na izboljšanje javnih storitev, spodbujale aktivnejše državljanstvo, krepile sodelovanje javnosti in prispevale k trajnostnemu razvoju mest. Knjižica prinaša konceptualni premislek o urbanem kmetijstvu in njegovo sistematizacijo~analizo političnega okvira, ki podpira participativno urbano kmetijstvo v Podonavju~pregled evropskih programov in projektov, ki razvijajo urbano kmetijstvo in se posvečajo enakim ciljem kot projekt AgriGo4Cities~in predstavitev izbranih dobrih praks participativnega urbanega kmetijstva, katerih namen je predstaviti ...
The Good Practices Catalogue of Participatory Urban Agriculture
Elektronische Ressource
Danube Region , EU projects , good practices , participatory governance , political framework , social inclusion , urban agriculture , urbano kmetijstvo , participativno upravljanje , politični okvir , evropski projekti , družbeno vključevanje , dobre prakse , Podonavje , thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DT Eastern Europe , thema EDItEUR::R Earth Sciences , Geography , Environment , Planning::RP Regional and area planning::RPC Urban and municipal planning and policy , Planning::RP Regional and area planning::RPG Rural planning and policy , Planning::RN The environment::RNT Social impact of environmental issues
Online Contents | 2009