Eine Plattform für die Wissenschaft: Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik
Abstract Land is very closely related to human life . Each person would need the land , even not only inhis life , for the dead man was still requires a piece of land . Based on the controlling right of theState , the State in this case is the government can give rights to the land to a person , severalpersons jointly or a legal entity . As for the problems in this thesis is What are the factors thatcause the occurrence of multiple certificates in Padang , What remedies do dual certified Class1A District Court of Padang , legal consequences with multiple certificates on the ground . Thisstudy used socio-juridical approach , the research focuses on research in the field to obtainprimary and secondary data as well as connect with the fact that there is in society with respectto problems encountered in the study . Dual certificate is a certificate two or more objects inwhich the land is partly / wholly the same , but the data subject may be the same or can bedifferent . Dispute resolution process in the District Court , in the case of multiple certificates onthe ground , district court judge who is only entitled to entitled to the certificate . Certificate indispute resolution dual land rights there are several steps that should be a concern in resolvingcases in land , in the settlement of disputes certificate must first be analyzed multiple causes ofland disputes , so the resolution of the case in accordance with the character of the case faced .Keywords : multiple certificates , lawsuit , judgmentDAFTAR PUSTAKA Abdulkadir Muhammad, 1992,Hukum Acara PerdataIndonesia, PT CitraAditya Bakti, Bandung, Adrian Sutedi, 2012, Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah, sinar Grafika, Jakarta. Amiruddin,dan H. ZainalAsikin, 2004,Pengantar MetodePenelitian Hukum, PT.Raja grafindo persada, Jakarta. I Wayan Suandra.1994. Hukum PertanahanIndonesia. PT. RinekaCipta. Jakarta. Arie Sukanti Hutagulung dan MarkusGunawan,KewenanganPemerintah Di BidangPertanahan. 2008, PTRaja Grafindo Persada,Jakarta. Badriah Harun, 2013, SolusiSengketa Tanah DanBangunan, PustakaYustisia, Yogyakarta. Boedi Harsono. 2008. Hukum Agraria Indonesia. PT.Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. Urip Santoso. 2010. Pendaftaran danPeralihan Hak atasTanah. Kencana,Jakarta. Junia Sari Wartati. 2011.skripsi,PenyelesaianTerhadap sertifikat hakMilik Ganda(Overlapping) OlehBadan PertanahanNasional Di KotaPadang. UniversitasAndalas. Padang. Alex perori sihombing,2008, hambatan pelaksanaan putusanhakim mengenaisengketa tanah padapengadilan negripadang, unes, padang. Sudikno Mertokusumo, 1993, Hukum Acara PerdataIndonesia, Liberty,Yogyakarta. Retnowulan sutanto, iskandar oeripkartawinata,1986,hukum acara perdatadalam teori dan raktek,alumni, bandung. Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945 Undang-Undang Nomor 5Tahun 1960 TentangPeraturan DasarPokok-Pokok Agraria Advokadku, sifat dan kekuatan putusanhakim,http://advokatku.blogspot.com/20012/05/sifat-dankekuatan-putusanhakim.html,20januari 2014, 09.40WIB. Al Rasyid, pengertian sengketa,http://alrasyid.blog.undip.ac.id/tag/pengertian-sengketatanah.html.15januari 2014, 14.27WIB. http://ppsgmmi.blogspot.com/2008/05/skripsi.html. 15 Januari2014, 17.18 WIB. http://www.hukumacaraperdata.com/2012/01/17/perbedaan-prinsipantarapermohonandengangugatan.html.16Januari2014, 17.03WIB.Hukum Online, membuat surat gugatan, http://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/cl2871/membuat-surat-gugatan ,16 Januari 2014,18.48 WIB. Jojo Gaolsh, Pengertian dan Macam-MacamPutusan,http://jojogaolsh.wordpress.com/2010/10/12/pengertiandan-macammacam-putusan,17Januari 2014, 00.20WIB Uzteyqah, Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah,http://uzteyqah.blogspot.com/2013/04/penyelesaiansengketatanah_6952.html,15Januari 2014,15.38 WIB. Yuarta, Defenisi Sengketa,http://yuarta.blogspot.com./2011/03/definisisengketa.html.15januari2014, 14.15WIB.
Abstract Land is very closely related to human life . Each person would need the land , even not only inhis life , for the dead man was still requires a piece of land . Based on the controlling right of theState , the State in this case is the government can give rights to the land to a person , severalpersons jointly or a legal entity . As for the problems in this thesis is What are the factors thatcause the occurrence of multiple certificates in Padang , What remedies do dual certified Class1A District Court of Padang , legal consequences with multiple certificates on the ground . Thisstudy used socio-juridical approach , the research focuses on research in the field to obtainprimary and secondary data as well as connect with the fact that there is in society with respectto problems encountered in the study . Dual certificate is a certificate two or more objects inwhich the land is partly / wholly the same , but the data subject may be the same or can bedifferent . Dispute resolution process in the District Court , in the case of multiple certificates onthe ground , district court judge who is only entitled to entitled to the certificate . Certificate indispute resolution dual land rights there are several steps that should be a concern in resolvingcases in land , in the settlement of disputes certificate must first be analyzed multiple causes ofland disputes , so the resolution of the case in accordance with the character of the case faced .Keywords : multiple certificates , lawsuit , judgmentDAFTAR PUSTAKA Abdulkadir Muhammad, 1992,Hukum Acara PerdataIndonesia, PT CitraAditya Bakti, Bandung, Adrian Sutedi, 2012, Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah, sinar Grafika, Jakarta. Amiruddin,dan H. ZainalAsikin, 2004,Pengantar MetodePenelitian Hukum, PT.Raja grafindo persada, Jakarta. I Wayan Suandra.1994. Hukum PertanahanIndonesia. PT. RinekaCipta. Jakarta. Arie Sukanti Hutagulung dan MarkusGunawan,KewenanganPemerintah Di BidangPertanahan. 2008, PTRaja Grafindo Persada,Jakarta. Badriah Harun, 2013, SolusiSengketa Tanah DanBangunan, PustakaYustisia, Yogyakarta. Boedi Harsono. 2008. Hukum Agraria Indonesia. PT.Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. Urip Santoso. 2010. Pendaftaran danPeralihan Hak atasTanah. Kencana,Jakarta. Junia Sari Wartati. 2011.skripsi,PenyelesaianTerhadap sertifikat hakMilik Ganda(Overlapping) OlehBadan PertanahanNasional Di KotaPadang. UniversitasAndalas. Padang. Alex perori sihombing,2008, hambatan pelaksanaan putusanhakim mengenaisengketa tanah padapengadilan negripadang, unes, padang. Sudikno Mertokusumo, 1993, Hukum Acara PerdataIndonesia, Liberty,Yogyakarta. Retnowulan sutanto, iskandar oeripkartawinata,1986,hukum acara perdatadalam teori dan raktek,alumni, bandung. Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945 Undang-Undang Nomor 5Tahun 1960 TentangPeraturan DasarPokok-Pokok Agraria Advokadku, sifat dan kekuatan putusanhakim,http://advokatku.blogspot.com/20012/05/sifat-dankekuatan-putusanhakim.html,20januari 2014, 09.40WIB. Al Rasyid, pengertian sengketa,http://alrasyid.blog.undip.ac.id/tag/pengertian-sengketatanah.html.15januari 2014, 14.27WIB. http://ppsgmmi.blogspot.com/2008/05/skripsi.html. 15 Januari2014, 17.18 WIB. http://www.hukumacaraperdata.com/2012/01/17/perbedaan-prinsipantarapermohonandengangugatan.html.16Januari2014, 17.03WIB.Hukum Online, membuat surat gugatan, http://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/cl2871/membuat-surat-gugatan ,16 Januari 2014,18.48 WIB. Jojo Gaolsh, Pengertian dan Macam-MacamPutusan,http://jojogaolsh.wordpress.com/2010/10/12/pengertiandan-macammacam-putusan,17Januari 2014, 00.20WIB Uzteyqah, Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah,http://uzteyqah.blogspot.com/2013/04/penyelesaiansengketatanah_6952.html,15Januari 2014,15.38 WIB. Yuarta, Defenisi Sengketa,http://yuarta.blogspot.com./2011/03/definisisengketa.html.15januari2014, 14.15WIB.
Sulistia, Sherly (Autor:in) / Syafril, Syafril (Autor:in) / adri, adri (Autor:in)
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Law, Bung Hatta University; Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): Kumpulan Artikel Wisuda ke 61 ; Faculty of Law; Vol 4 No 1 (2014): Kumpulan Artikel Wisuda ke 61
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