Eine Plattform für die Wissenschaft: Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik
Mapping and monitoring of Large-Sfax wetlands (center-east of Tunisia) using radiometric indexes and GIS tools
Wetlands are characterized by temporary alterations in their structure and composition, and by multifunctionality. Therefore, identifying the boundaries of these zones is essential for appropriate characterization. In this context, this applied research work focuses on the wetlands of Large Sfax in the eastern center of Tunisia. The adopted methodology is based on a combined approach based on multivariate analysis and multi-dates analysis for the identification and the spatial delimitation of wetlands in the study area. The radiometric indexes of humidity NDWI, vegetation NDVI and brightness IB were calculated for the years 2003 and 2015 by using satellite imagery coming from Landsat ETM+7 and Landsat OLI 8. The classification maps of the calculated indexes enabled the identification and spectral delimitation of the wetlands of the study area. The multi-dates analysis was based on the visual interpretation of the panchromatic aerial photographs and the Google Earth snippets for the update of the results. This allowed the spatial delineation and the monitoring of marine, inland, and artificial wetlands in the study area. The importance of using the combined approach is that it allows a better characterization of wetlands. Cite as: Chaabane B, Bel Fekih BS, Khebour AF. Mapping and monitoring of Large-Sfax wetlands (center-east of Tunisia) using radiometric indexes and GIS tools. Alger. J. Eng. Technol. 2021, 5:64-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5749971 References Barnaud G. Identifying and characterizing of wetlands: a variety of viewpoints. Functions and values of wetlands. (Identifier et caractériser les zones humides: une variété de point de vue. Fonctions et valeurs des zones humides). Technical Industries. Environment series. 2000;39-59. Ramsar Convention Secretariat. The Ramsar Convention Handbook: Guide to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971). 2013. 6th edition. Ramsar Convention Secretariat. Glans. Swiss. Hubert-Moy L. and Clément B. Delineation and characterization of wetlands. Wetlands ecology: concepts, methods, and approaches. (Délimitation et caractérisation des zones humides. Ecologie des zones humides : concepts, méthodes et démarches). Lavoisier Editions. 2014;25- 54. Larache H. and Bertrand F. Diagnosis of wetland on the fitting out area Pressenti Salamot Revelaz, municipality of Tullins. (Diagnostic de zone humide sur le secteur d’aménagement Pressenti Salamot Revelaz, commune de Tullins). SETIS Groupe DEGAUD. 2012. Barnaud G. and Fustec E. Preserving wetlands: Why? How? . (Conserver les milieux humides: Pourquoi ? Comment?) QUAE and Educagri Editions. Kaplan G. and Avdan U. Mapping and monitoring wetlands using Sentinel 2 satellite imagery. 2017. ISPRS Annals of the photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, volume IV-4/W4, 4th International Geoadvances workshop, 14-15 october 2017, Safrenbolu, Karabuk, Tureky. Anderson R.R. and Wobber R.J. Wetlands mapping . New Jersy. Photogrammetic Engineering 1973;(39), 353-358. Baker C. Lawrence R. Montagne C.and Patten D. Mapping wetlands and riparian areas using landsat ETM imagery and decision-tree-based models. Wetlands. 2006;26(2). 465- 474. Djidel M, Labar S, Medjani F, Bouafia I. Etude des changements écologiques des zones humides en milieux désertiques en utilisant l’imagerie Landsat et le SIG. Int J Environ Water. 2013;2(5):81-87. Rundquist DC, Narumalani S, Narayanan RM. A review of wetlands remote sensing and defining new considerations. Remote Sensing Reviews. 2001; 20(3). 207– 226. Cowardin LM, Myers VI. Remote sensing for identification and classification of wetland vegetation. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 1974;38(2). 308-314. Provencher L, Dubois JM. Précis de télédétection-Volume 4. Puq; 2007. Volume 4. University Presses of Quebec. Hurd J. Civco D. Gilmore M.S. Prisloe S. and Wilson E.H. Tidal wetland classification from landsat imagery using an integrated pixel-based and object-based approach. 2006. In ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference. 1-5 mai. Reno. Gramond D. Savy B. Graffouillère M. and Bartout P. Wetland delineation methodologies: from satellite imagery to field analysis. (Méthodologies de délimitation des zones humides : de l’image satellitale à l’analyse terrain). French Geographer Association Bulletin. Central European rural territories/lakes, ponds and wetlands. Volume 82, n°2. 246-255. Missaoui M. Zerai K. Fridhia A. Baroudi M. et Baroudi J. Atlas du gouvernorat de Sfax. Ministère de l’équipement et de l’environnement. Direction générale de l'aménagement du territoire. 2013. 105 p. Emran A. Données Landsat mises à disposition pour le développement durable en Afrique. Institut Scientifique UMVA Rabat- Maroc. 2005;52. Muraz J. Durrieu Labbe S. Andreassian V. Tangara M. Comment valoriser les photos aériennes dans les SIG? Ingénieries - E A T. 1999; 39-58. Behera M.D. Chitale V.S. Shaw A. Roy P.S. and Murthy M.S.R. Wetland monitoring, serving as an index of Land Use Change-A study in Samaspu wetlands, Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal Indian soc Remote sens. 2012;40 (2): 287-297. Baret F. Jacquemoud S. Hanocq J. F. The soil line concept in remote sensing. Remote Sensing Rev 1993;65- 82. Dubucq M. Télédétection spatiale et érosion des sols, étude bibliographique. Cahier ORSTOM. Série pédologie. 1986; 22(2): 247-258. Gilabert MA, González-Piqueras J, Garcıa-Haro FJ, Meliá J. A generalized soil-adjusted vegetation index. Remote Sensing of environment. 2002;82(2-3):303-310. Laporterie F. Représentations hiérarchiques d'images avec des pyramides morphologiques: application à l'analyse et à la fusion spatio-temporelle de données en observation de la Terre (Doctoral dissertation, Toulouse, ENSAE). 2002; 177. Estes JE, Hajic EJ, Tinney LR. Fundamentals of image analysis: Analysis of visible and thermal infrared data. Manual of remote sensing. 1983;1:987-1124. com. 2021. Local Weather Forecast, News and Conditions | Weather Underground. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2021] Xu D, Guo X. Compare NDVI extracted from Landsat 8 imagery with that from Landsat 7 imagery. American Journal of Remote Sensing. 2014;2(2):10-4. Gu Y, Brown JF, Verdin JP, Wardlow B. A five‐year analysis of MODIS NDVI and NDWI for grassland drought assessment over the central Great Plains of the United States. Geophysical research letters. 2007; 34(6). Ceccato P, Flasse S, Gregoire JM. Designing a spectral index to estimate vegetation water content from remote sensing data: Part 2. Validation and applications. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2002;82(2-3):198-207. Chaabane B. and Boujelben A. Identification, classification, and characterization of big Sfax wetlands. LARHYSS Journal. 2017;30:45-65 Daoud A. Feedback on flooding in the city of Sfax (southern Tunisia) from 1982 to 2009: from prevention to the territorialization of risk. Revue Géographique de l’Est. 2013;53:1-2.
Mapping and monitoring of Large-Sfax wetlands (center-east of Tunisia) using radiometric indexes and GIS tools
Wetlands are characterized by temporary alterations in their structure and composition, and by multifunctionality. Therefore, identifying the boundaries of these zones is essential for appropriate characterization. In this context, this applied research work focuses on the wetlands of Large Sfax in the eastern center of Tunisia. The adopted methodology is based on a combined approach based on multivariate analysis and multi-dates analysis for the identification and the spatial delimitation of wetlands in the study area. The radiometric indexes of humidity NDWI, vegetation NDVI and brightness IB were calculated for the years 2003 and 2015 by using satellite imagery coming from Landsat ETM+7 and Landsat OLI 8. The classification maps of the calculated indexes enabled the identification and spectral delimitation of the wetlands of the study area. The multi-dates analysis was based on the visual interpretation of the panchromatic aerial photographs and the Google Earth snippets for the update of the results. This allowed the spatial delineation and the monitoring of marine, inland, and artificial wetlands in the study area. The importance of using the combined approach is that it allows a better characterization of wetlands. Cite as: Chaabane B, Bel Fekih BS, Khebour AF. Mapping and monitoring of Large-Sfax wetlands (center-east of Tunisia) using radiometric indexes and GIS tools. Alger. J. Eng. Technol. 2021, 5:64-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5749971 References Barnaud G. Identifying and characterizing of wetlands: a variety of viewpoints. Functions and values of wetlands. (Identifier et caractériser les zones humides: une variété de point de vue. Fonctions et valeurs des zones humides). Technical Industries. Environment series. 2000;39-59. Ramsar Convention Secretariat. The Ramsar Convention Handbook: Guide to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971). 2013. 6th edition. Ramsar Convention Secretariat. Glans. Swiss. Hubert-Moy L. and Clément B. Delineation and characterization of wetlands. Wetlands ecology: concepts, methods, and approaches. (Délimitation et caractérisation des zones humides. Ecologie des zones humides : concepts, méthodes et démarches). Lavoisier Editions. 2014;25- 54. Larache H. and Bertrand F. Diagnosis of wetland on the fitting out area Pressenti Salamot Revelaz, municipality of Tullins. (Diagnostic de zone humide sur le secteur d’aménagement Pressenti Salamot Revelaz, commune de Tullins). SETIS Groupe DEGAUD. 2012. Barnaud G. and Fustec E. Preserving wetlands: Why? How? . (Conserver les milieux humides: Pourquoi ? Comment?) QUAE and Educagri Editions. Kaplan G. and Avdan U. Mapping and monitoring wetlands using Sentinel 2 satellite imagery. 2017. ISPRS Annals of the photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, volume IV-4/W4, 4th International Geoadvances workshop, 14-15 october 2017, Safrenbolu, Karabuk, Tureky. Anderson R.R. and Wobber R.J. Wetlands mapping . New Jersy. Photogrammetic Engineering 1973;(39), 353-358. Baker C. Lawrence R. Montagne C.and Patten D. Mapping wetlands and riparian areas using landsat ETM imagery and decision-tree-based models. Wetlands. 2006;26(2). 465- 474. Djidel M, Labar S, Medjani F, Bouafia I. Etude des changements écologiques des zones humides en milieux désertiques en utilisant l’imagerie Landsat et le SIG. Int J Environ Water. 2013;2(5):81-87. Rundquist DC, Narumalani S, Narayanan RM. A review of wetlands remote sensing and defining new considerations. Remote Sensing Reviews. 2001; 20(3). 207– 226. Cowardin LM, Myers VI. Remote sensing for identification and classification of wetland vegetation. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 1974;38(2). 308-314. Provencher L, Dubois JM. Précis de télédétection-Volume 4. Puq; 2007. Volume 4. University Presses of Quebec. Hurd J. Civco D. Gilmore M.S. Prisloe S. and Wilson E.H. Tidal wetland classification from landsat imagery using an integrated pixel-based and object-based approach. 2006. In ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference. 1-5 mai. Reno. Gramond D. Savy B. Graffouillère M. and Bartout P. Wetland delineation methodologies: from satellite imagery to field analysis. (Méthodologies de délimitation des zones humides : de l’image satellitale à l’analyse terrain). French Geographer Association Bulletin. Central European rural territories/lakes, ponds and wetlands. Volume 82, n°2. 246-255. Missaoui M. Zerai K. Fridhia A. Baroudi M. et Baroudi J. Atlas du gouvernorat de Sfax. Ministère de l’équipement et de l’environnement. Direction générale de l'aménagement du territoire. 2013. 105 p. Emran A. Données Landsat mises à disposition pour le développement durable en Afrique. Institut Scientifique UMVA Rabat- Maroc. 2005;52. Muraz J. Durrieu Labbe S. Andreassian V. Tangara M. Comment valoriser les photos aériennes dans les SIG? Ingénieries - E A T. 1999; 39-58. Behera M.D. Chitale V.S. Shaw A. Roy P.S. and Murthy M.S.R. Wetland monitoring, serving as an index of Land Use Change-A study in Samaspu wetlands, Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal Indian soc Remote sens. 2012;40 (2): 287-297. Baret F. Jacquemoud S. Hanocq J. F. The soil line concept in remote sensing. Remote Sensing Rev 1993;65- 82. Dubucq M. Télédétection spatiale et érosion des sols, étude bibliographique. Cahier ORSTOM. Série pédologie. 1986; 22(2): 247-258. Gilabert MA, González-Piqueras J, Garcıa-Haro FJ, Meliá J. A generalized soil-adjusted vegetation index. Remote Sensing of environment. 2002;82(2-3):303-310. Laporterie F. Représentations hiérarchiques d'images avec des pyramides morphologiques: application à l'analyse et à la fusion spatio-temporelle de données en observation de la Terre (Doctoral dissertation, Toulouse, ENSAE). 2002; 177. Estes JE, Hajic EJ, Tinney LR. Fundamentals of image analysis: Analysis of visible and thermal infrared data. Manual of remote sensing. 1983;1:987-1124. com. 2021. Local Weather Forecast, News and Conditions | Weather Underground. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2021] Xu D, Guo X. Compare NDVI extracted from Landsat 8 imagery with that from Landsat 7 imagery. American Journal of Remote Sensing. 2014;2(2):10-4. Gu Y, Brown JF, Verdin JP, Wardlow B. A five‐year analysis of MODIS NDVI and NDWI for grassland drought assessment over the central Great Plains of the United States. Geophysical research letters. 2007; 34(6). Ceccato P, Flasse S, Gregoire JM. Designing a spectral index to estimate vegetation water content from remote sensing data: Part 2. Validation and applications. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2002;82(2-3):198-207. Chaabane B. and Boujelben A. Identification, classification, and characterization of big Sfax wetlands. LARHYSS Journal. 2017;30:45-65 Daoud A. Feedback on flooding in the city of Sfax (southern Tunisia) from 1982 to 2009: from prevention to the territorialization of risk. Revue Géographique de l’Est. 2013;53:1-2.
Mapping and monitoring of Large-Sfax wetlands (center-east of Tunisia) using radiometric indexes and GIS tools
Chaabane, Balkis (Autor:in) / Bel Fekih Bousmma, Safa (Autor:in) / Khebour Allouche , Faiza (Autor:in)
Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology; Vol 5 (2021): Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology (December); 64-71 ; 2716-9278 ; 2716-9227
Aufsatz (Zeitschrift)
Elektronische Ressource
BASE | 2021
|A G.I.S. application to urban transport management in Sfax, Tunisia
British Library Conference Proceedings | 1998
|Biological treatment of fish processing wastewater:A case study from Sfax City(Southeastern Tunisia)
Online Contents | 2015