Eine Plattform für die Wissenschaft: Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik
Povodom 120. obljetnice ; On the occasion of the 120th anniversary
RIJEČ UREDNIŠTVAOvoga 20. listopada obilježit ćemo dvije obljetnice, 120 godina od izgradnje Šumarskoga doma i početka visokoškolske šumarske nastave u Hrvatskoj, upravo u Šumarskome domu. Naime, toga dana 20. listopada 1898. godine počela je s radom Šumarska akademija u sklopu tadašnjeg Mudroslovnog (Filozofskog) fakulteta, kao četvrta visokoškolska ustanova Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Time je Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo ostvarilo još jedan temeljni cilj, nakon dovođenja u Hrvatsku više šumarske nastave (Gospodarsko šumarsko učilište u Križevcima 1860. god. te početak tiskanja svoga znanstveno-stručnoga i staleškoga glasila Šumarski list 1877. god.). Za poznavanje i gospodarenje najsloženijim ekosustavom – šumom, potreban je visokostručni kadar, geslo je tadašnje politike (sugestija Marije Terezije), koje je putem Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva ostvareno. Za razliku od današnje politike tada je šumarstvu i šumi dano tako vidno mjesto, koje mu po značaju i pripada. Gospodariti po načelu potrajnosti na gotovo polovici (47 %) kopnene površine Hrvatske zahtijeva drukčiji pristup šumi i šumarstvu u odnosu na današnji. Ponajprije, šumi treba vratiti protuvrijednost koju ona pruža. Ona je danas za mnoge neprepoznata, a nju Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo kao predstavnik objedinjene struke (šumarskoga obrazovanja, prakse i znanosti) neprestano ističe. Sa žaljenjem ističemo da resorni ministar do danas, unatoč molbi, nije našao za shodno primiti na razgovor rukovodstvo Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva i informirati se o problemima dijela resora kojega pokriva, i to na stručnoj, a ne političkoj razini. Baš nas interesira koliki će značaj dati obilježavanju spomenutih obljetnica?Ostavit ćemo politiku i prelistati dvadeset prvo godište (ili tečaj kako piše) Šumarskoga lista i spomenuti samo neke značajnije napise iz davne 1898. god. Ponajprije treba istaknuti da je glavni urednik bio Josip Kozarac, državni nadšumar iz Vinkovaca, a časopis je tiskan u 12 brojeva.Milan Tordony, kr. šumar polemizira na temu Preborna šuma – primjeri iz Šumarije Fužine – zagovara normalnost sastojine kojoj se gospodarenjem nastojimo približiti – cilj je potrajno dobivati prihod, što je ovisno o strukturi sastojina. Tekst i rasprava poznatog nam A. Kerna naslovljen je na temu „Uređivanje prebornih sastojina“. Gašo Vac, krapinski šumar piše „Šume i šumsko gospodarenje u Donjo Miholjačkom kotaru“ općenito, a potom o vlastelinskim i o šumama zemljišnih zajednica, posebice hrastovim šumama. Na temu „Kasni (pozni) hrast (Quercus pedunculata var. tardisima Simonkai, glavni urednik Josip Kozarac najavljuje dvije rasprave koje slijede: kr. ugarskog nadšumara Ivana Földesa i W. Nikodema šumarskog upravitelja Turn-Taxisa u Lekeniku.S. Partaš piše na temu „O lugarnicama i lugarskim tečajevima; Aus dem Walde i vin H. Burckhardt u nastavcima o zaštitnom drveću: a) za zaštitu tla, b) za zaštitu sastojine i c) kao zaštitni rub; Jos pl. Ane, kotarski šumar „Oštećenje voluhara u hrastovoj sastojini“; Slavko Sulki „Poledica i njene posljedice na Krašu“ (početak prosinca u Općini Hreljin); Nadšumar Kraft „O biološkim podlogama za uzgoj sastojina“ (u šumarskoj struci uvijek je osnovica praksa – teorijom se ne mogu šumarska pitanja a priori riješiti, no ona ima zadaću ono što proizlazi iz prakse, znanstveno obrazložiti); Dragutin Hirc u nekoliko nastavaka piše „Iglasto drveće i grmlje hrvatske flore“; Prof. J. Partaš „Hrast u visokoj šumi“; F.X. Kesterčanek „Treba li nam uz akademiju u Zagrebu muzej šumarskog društva?“ Naravno, tu su tekstovi: „Šumsko i gospodarsko knjižtvo, Zakoni i normativne naredbe, Zapisnici sa sjednica Upravljajućeg odbora, Državni ispiti za šumarsku struku, Dražbe drvnih proizvoda (dakle prije 120 godina to se rješavalo po tržišnim načelima, a danas politika određuje cijene i puni džepove privatnika pod izlikom da čuva posebice male pilanare i potiče visoko finaliziranu (vidimo li je?) proizvodnju proizvoda iz drva, koja osigurava veće zapošljavanje?), Različite viesti“ i dr. Naposljetku slijedi „Naredba kr. hrv.-dalm. zemaljske vlade, odjela za unutarnje poslove i za bogoštovje i nastavu od. 7. listopada 1898. br. 66102., kojom se izdaje naukovni i ispitni red za slušatelje šumarstva na mudroslovnom fakultetu kr. sveučilišta Franjo Josip I. u Zagrebu“, sa satnicom predavanja, načinom polaganja ispita i dr. Godište završava s popisom članova („začasnih, utemeljiteljnih, podupirućih te članova I. i II. razreda“).Uredništvo ; EDITORIALOctober 20th 2018 marks two important events: the 120th anniversary of the ceremonious opening of the Forestry House and the beginning of university forestry education in Croatia in the premises of the Forestry House. On October 20, 1898, the Forestry Academy was established within the Faculty of Philosophy as the fourth institution of higher education of the University of Zagreb. The Croatian Forestry Association fulfilled yet one more basic goal, after bringing higher forestry education into Croatia (Agriculture and Forestry College in Križevci in 1860 and the beginning of publishing its scientific forestry-specialized publication - Forestry Journal in 1877). To learn about and manage the most complex ecosystems, the forest, highly expert personnel is needed: this was the motto of the politics of that time (suggested by the Empress Maria Theresa). This motto was put to life through the Croatian Forestry Association. Unlike present-day politics, forestry and forests were then paid due importance. Implementing the principle of sustainability to manage forests that cover almost half (47 %) of the land territory of Croatia required a different approach to forests and forestry than is used today. First of all, the forest should be given back the values it provides. For many, these values are not recognized, although the Croatian Forestry Association as a representative of an integrated profession (forestry education, practice and science) continuously stresses them. We regret to say that, despite our repeated requests, the competent minister has not yet found time to receive the Managing Board of the Croatian Forestry Association to discuss problems arising in a part of the department he is responsible for. We do not wish to discuss problems on a political but on a professional level. Let us wait and see what importance will be given to the anniversaries mentioned above. However, let us leave politics and turn to leafing through Forestry Journal published in 1898 (the twenty-first year of the publication). We shall mention here only several of the more important articles from the year 1898. First, Editor-in-Chief was Josip Kozarac, a state head forester from Vinkovci, and the journal came out in 12 issues. Milan Tordony, the royal forester, discusses the topic of selection forests - examples from Fužine Forest Office - and advocates the normal status of a stand to be achieved with management practices. The goal is to obtain sustainable yield, which depends on the structure of a stand. The text and the debate of the renowned A. Kern bears the title “Managing selection stands”. Gašo Vac, a forester from Krapina, writes about “Forests and forest management in the municipality of Donji Miholjac” in general, and then about forests owned by landed gentry and by land communities, in particular about oak forests. Using the topic of “Late flushing oak ( Quercus pedunculata var. tardisima Simonkai), editor-in-chief Josip Kozarac announces two discussions: by the royal Hungarian head forester Ivan Földes and W. Nikodem, forest manager of Thurn-Taxis in Lekenik. S. Partaš writes on the topic of “Ranger’s lodges and ranger’s training courses; Aus dem Walde and H. Burckhardt write in sequels on protective trees; a) for soil protection, b) for stand protection, and c) as protective edges; Jos Ane, municipal forester, discusses “Vole damage in oak stands”; Slavko Sulki writes about “Glazed frost and its consequences on Karst” (the beginning of December in the Municipality of Hreljin); head forester Kraft writes about “Biological priciples for stand cultivation” (in the forestry profession, practice always comes first - forestry issues cannot be solved a priori by theory, but the task of theory is to give scientific explanations of what arises from practice); Dragutin Hirc writes in several sequels about “Conifer trees and shrubs of the Croatian flora”; Professor J. Partaš discusses “Oak in a high forest”; F. X. Kesterčanek asks “Do we need a Museum of Forestry Association in addition to the Academy in Zagreb?” There are also the following articles: Forestry and agricultural publications, Laws and normative acts, Minutes of management board meetings, State examinations for the forestry profession, Auction sales of wood products (as we see, 120 years ago the sale of wood products was based on market principles, while today it is politics which determines prices and fills the pockets of private owners under the pretext of protecting small sawmill owners and stimulating highly finalized production of wood products to increase employment), “Miscellaneous news”, and others, Finally, there is the “Order by the Royal Croatian-Dalmatian Government of the Land, Department of Internal Affairs and of Religion and Education” of October 7, 1898, No 66102, issuing the order of lectures and exams for forestry students at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Royal University of Francis Joseph I in Zagreb”, completed with timetables of lectures, manner of taking exams and others. The yearbook ends with a list of members (honorary, founding, supporting, and member of the I and II Class).Editorial Board
Povodom 120. obljetnice ; On the occasion of the 120th anniversary
RIJEČ UREDNIŠTVAOvoga 20. listopada obilježit ćemo dvije obljetnice, 120 godina od izgradnje Šumarskoga doma i početka visokoškolske šumarske nastave u Hrvatskoj, upravo u Šumarskome domu. Naime, toga dana 20. listopada 1898. godine počela je s radom Šumarska akademija u sklopu tadašnjeg Mudroslovnog (Filozofskog) fakulteta, kao četvrta visokoškolska ustanova Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Time je Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo ostvarilo još jedan temeljni cilj, nakon dovođenja u Hrvatsku više šumarske nastave (Gospodarsko šumarsko učilište u Križevcima 1860. god. te početak tiskanja svoga znanstveno-stručnoga i staleškoga glasila Šumarski list 1877. god.). Za poznavanje i gospodarenje najsloženijim ekosustavom – šumom, potreban je visokostručni kadar, geslo je tadašnje politike (sugestija Marije Terezije), koje je putem Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva ostvareno. Za razliku od današnje politike tada je šumarstvu i šumi dano tako vidno mjesto, koje mu po značaju i pripada. Gospodariti po načelu potrajnosti na gotovo polovici (47 %) kopnene površine Hrvatske zahtijeva drukčiji pristup šumi i šumarstvu u odnosu na današnji. Ponajprije, šumi treba vratiti protuvrijednost koju ona pruža. Ona je danas za mnoge neprepoznata, a nju Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo kao predstavnik objedinjene struke (šumarskoga obrazovanja, prakse i znanosti) neprestano ističe. Sa žaljenjem ističemo da resorni ministar do danas, unatoč molbi, nije našao za shodno primiti na razgovor rukovodstvo Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva i informirati se o problemima dijela resora kojega pokriva, i to na stručnoj, a ne političkoj razini. Baš nas interesira koliki će značaj dati obilježavanju spomenutih obljetnica?Ostavit ćemo politiku i prelistati dvadeset prvo godište (ili tečaj kako piše) Šumarskoga lista i spomenuti samo neke značajnije napise iz davne 1898. god. Ponajprije treba istaknuti da je glavni urednik bio Josip Kozarac, državni nadšumar iz Vinkovaca, a časopis je tiskan u 12 brojeva.Milan Tordony, kr. šumar polemizira na temu Preborna šuma – primjeri iz Šumarije Fužine – zagovara normalnost sastojine kojoj se gospodarenjem nastojimo približiti – cilj je potrajno dobivati prihod, što je ovisno o strukturi sastojina. Tekst i rasprava poznatog nam A. Kerna naslovljen je na temu „Uređivanje prebornih sastojina“. Gašo Vac, krapinski šumar piše „Šume i šumsko gospodarenje u Donjo Miholjačkom kotaru“ općenito, a potom o vlastelinskim i o šumama zemljišnih zajednica, posebice hrastovim šumama. Na temu „Kasni (pozni) hrast (Quercus pedunculata var. tardisima Simonkai, glavni urednik Josip Kozarac najavljuje dvije rasprave koje slijede: kr. ugarskog nadšumara Ivana Földesa i W. Nikodema šumarskog upravitelja Turn-Taxisa u Lekeniku.S. Partaš piše na temu „O lugarnicama i lugarskim tečajevima; Aus dem Walde i vin H. Burckhardt u nastavcima o zaštitnom drveću: a) za zaštitu tla, b) za zaštitu sastojine i c) kao zaštitni rub; Jos pl. Ane, kotarski šumar „Oštećenje voluhara u hrastovoj sastojini“; Slavko Sulki „Poledica i njene posljedice na Krašu“ (početak prosinca u Općini Hreljin); Nadšumar Kraft „O biološkim podlogama za uzgoj sastojina“ (u šumarskoj struci uvijek je osnovica praksa – teorijom se ne mogu šumarska pitanja a priori riješiti, no ona ima zadaću ono što proizlazi iz prakse, znanstveno obrazložiti); Dragutin Hirc u nekoliko nastavaka piše „Iglasto drveće i grmlje hrvatske flore“; Prof. J. Partaš „Hrast u visokoj šumi“; F.X. Kesterčanek „Treba li nam uz akademiju u Zagrebu muzej šumarskog društva?“ Naravno, tu su tekstovi: „Šumsko i gospodarsko knjižtvo, Zakoni i normativne naredbe, Zapisnici sa sjednica Upravljajućeg odbora, Državni ispiti za šumarsku struku, Dražbe drvnih proizvoda (dakle prije 120 godina to se rješavalo po tržišnim načelima, a danas politika određuje cijene i puni džepove privatnika pod izlikom da čuva posebice male pilanare i potiče visoko finaliziranu (vidimo li je?) proizvodnju proizvoda iz drva, koja osigurava veće zapošljavanje?), Različite viesti“ i dr. Naposljetku slijedi „Naredba kr. hrv.-dalm. zemaljske vlade, odjela za unutarnje poslove i za bogoštovje i nastavu od. 7. listopada 1898. br. 66102., kojom se izdaje naukovni i ispitni red za slušatelje šumarstva na mudroslovnom fakultetu kr. sveučilišta Franjo Josip I. u Zagrebu“, sa satnicom predavanja, načinom polaganja ispita i dr. Godište završava s popisom članova („začasnih, utemeljiteljnih, podupirućih te članova I. i II. razreda“).Uredništvo ; EDITORIALOctober 20th 2018 marks two important events: the 120th anniversary of the ceremonious opening of the Forestry House and the beginning of university forestry education in Croatia in the premises of the Forestry House. On October 20, 1898, the Forestry Academy was established within the Faculty of Philosophy as the fourth institution of higher education of the University of Zagreb. The Croatian Forestry Association fulfilled yet one more basic goal, after bringing higher forestry education into Croatia (Agriculture and Forestry College in Križevci in 1860 and the beginning of publishing its scientific forestry-specialized publication - Forestry Journal in 1877). To learn about and manage the most complex ecosystems, the forest, highly expert personnel is needed: this was the motto of the politics of that time (suggested by the Empress Maria Theresa). This motto was put to life through the Croatian Forestry Association. Unlike present-day politics, forestry and forests were then paid due importance. Implementing the principle of sustainability to manage forests that cover almost half (47 %) of the land territory of Croatia required a different approach to forests and forestry than is used today. First of all, the forest should be given back the values it provides. For many, these values are not recognized, although the Croatian Forestry Association as a representative of an integrated profession (forestry education, practice and science) continuously stresses them. We regret to say that, despite our repeated requests, the competent minister has not yet found time to receive the Managing Board of the Croatian Forestry Association to discuss problems arising in a part of the department he is responsible for. We do not wish to discuss problems on a political but on a professional level. Let us wait and see what importance will be given to the anniversaries mentioned above. However, let us leave politics and turn to leafing through Forestry Journal published in 1898 (the twenty-first year of the publication). We shall mention here only several of the more important articles from the year 1898. First, Editor-in-Chief was Josip Kozarac, a state head forester from Vinkovci, and the journal came out in 12 issues. Milan Tordony, the royal forester, discusses the topic of selection forests - examples from Fužine Forest Office - and advocates the normal status of a stand to be achieved with management practices. The goal is to obtain sustainable yield, which depends on the structure of a stand. The text and the debate of the renowned A. Kern bears the title “Managing selection stands”. Gašo Vac, a forester from Krapina, writes about “Forests and forest management in the municipality of Donji Miholjac” in general, and then about forests owned by landed gentry and by land communities, in particular about oak forests. Using the topic of “Late flushing oak ( Quercus pedunculata var. tardisima Simonkai), editor-in-chief Josip Kozarac announces two discussions: by the royal Hungarian head forester Ivan Földes and W. Nikodem, forest manager of Thurn-Taxis in Lekenik. S. Partaš writes on the topic of “Ranger’s lodges and ranger’s training courses; Aus dem Walde and H. Burckhardt write in sequels on protective trees; a) for soil protection, b) for stand protection, and c) as protective edges; Jos Ane, municipal forester, discusses “Vole damage in oak stands”; Slavko Sulki writes about “Glazed frost and its consequences on Karst” (the beginning of December in the Municipality of Hreljin); head forester Kraft writes about “Biological priciples for stand cultivation” (in the forestry profession, practice always comes first - forestry issues cannot be solved a priori by theory, but the task of theory is to give scientific explanations of what arises from practice); Dragutin Hirc writes in several sequels about “Conifer trees and shrubs of the Croatian flora”; Professor J. Partaš discusses “Oak in a high forest”; F. X. Kesterčanek asks “Do we need a Museum of Forestry Association in addition to the Academy in Zagreb?” There are also the following articles: Forestry and agricultural publications, Laws and normative acts, Minutes of management board meetings, State examinations for the forestry profession, Auction sales of wood products (as we see, 120 years ago the sale of wood products was based on market principles, while today it is politics which determines prices and fills the pockets of private owners under the pretext of protecting small sawmill owners and stimulating highly finalized production of wood products to increase employment), “Miscellaneous news”, and others, Finally, there is the “Order by the Royal Croatian-Dalmatian Government of the Land, Department of Internal Affairs and of Religion and Education” of October 7, 1898, No 66102, issuing the order of lectures and exams for forestry students at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Royal University of Francis Joseph I in Zagreb”, completed with timetables of lectures, manner of taking exams and others. The yearbook ends with a list of members (honorary, founding, supporting, and member of the I and II Class).Editorial Board
Povodom 120. obljetnice ; On the occasion of the 120th anniversary
ŠL, uredništvo (Autor:in)
Šumarski list ; ISSN 0373-1332 (Print) ; ISSN 1846-9140 (Online) ; Volume 142 ; Issue 9-10
Aufsatz (Zeitschrift)
Elektronische Ressource
Kroatisch , Englisch
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