Eine Plattform für die Wissenschaft: Bauingenieurwesen, Architektur und Urbanistik
Advances in computed tomography for geomaterials : GeoX 2010
"This title discusses a broad range of issues related to the use of computed tomography in geomaterials and geomechanics. The contributions cover a wide range of topics, including deformation and strain localization in soils, rocks and sediments; fracture and damage assessment in rocks, asphalt and concrete; transport in porous media; oil and gas exploration and production; neutron tomography and other novel experimental and analytical techniques; image-based computational modeling; and software and visualization tools."--
Sand Deformation at the Grain Scale Quantified Through X-Ray Imaging / G Viggiani, P Bésuelle, S A Hall, J Desrues -- Quantitative Description of Grain Contacts in a Locked Sand / J Fonseca, C O'Sullivan, M R Coop -- 3D Characterization of Particle Interaction Using Synchrotron Microtomography / K A Alshibli, A Hasan -- Characterization of the Evolving Grain-Scale Structure in a Sand Deforming under Triaxial Compression / S A Hall, N Lenoir, G Viggiani, P Bésuelle, J Desrues -- Visualization of Strain Localization and Microstructures in Soils during Deformation Using Microfocus X-Ray CT / Y Higo, F Oka, S Kimoto, T Sanagawa, M Sawada, T Sato, Y Matsushima -- Determination of 3D Displacement Fields between X-ray Computed Tomography Images Using 3D Cross-Correlation / M Razavi, B Muhunthan -- Characterization of Shear and Compaction Bands in Sandstone Using X-Ray Tomography and 3D Digital Image Correlation / E-M Charalampidou, S A Hall, S Stanchits, G Viggiani, H Lewis -- Deformation Characteristics of Tire Chips-Sand Mixture in Triaxial Compression Test by Using X-Ray CT Scanning / Y Kikuchi, T Hidaka, T Sato, H Hazarika -- Strain Field Measurements in Sand under Triaxial Compression Using X-Ray CT Data and Digital Image Correlation / Y Watanabe, N Lenoir, S A Hall, J Otani -- Latest Developments in 3D Analysis of Geomaterials by Morpho+ / V Cnudde, J Vlassenbroeck, Y De Witte, L Brabant, M N Boone, J Dewanckele, L Van Hoorebeke, P Jacobs -- Quantifying Particle Shape in 3D / E J Garboczi -- 3D Aggregate Evaluation Using Laser and X-Ray Scanning / L Wang, C Druta, Y Zhou, C Harris -- Computation of Aggregate Contact Points, Orientation and Segregation in Asphalt Specimens Using their X-Ray CT Images / M Kutay -- Integration of 3D Imaging and Discrete Element Modeling for Concrete Fracture Problems / E N Landis, J E Bolander -- Application of Microfocus X-Ray CT to Investigate the Frost-Induced Damage Process in Cement-Based Materials / M A B Promentilla, T Sugiyama -- Evaluation of the Efficiency of Self-Healing in Concrete by Means of µ-CT / K Van Tittelboom, D Van Loo, N De Belie, P Jacobs -- Quantification of Material Constitution in Concrete by X-Ray CT Method / T Temmyo, Y Obara -- Sealing Behavior of Fracture in Cementitious Material with Micro-Focus X-Ray CT / D Fukuda, Y Nara, D Mori, K Kaneko -- Extraction of Effective Cement Paste Diffusivities from X-Ray Microtomography Scans / K Krabbenhoft, M R Karim -- Contributions of X-Ray CT to the Characterization of Natural Building Stones and their Disintegration / J Dewanckele, D Van Loo, J Vlassenbroeck, M N Boone, V Cnudde, M A Boone, T De Kock, L Van Hoorebeke, P Jacobs -- Characterization of Porous Media in Agent Transport Simulation / L-B Hu, C Savidge, D Rizzo, N Hayden, M Dewoolkar, L Meador, J W Hagadorn -- Two Less-Used Applications of Petrophysical CT-Scanning / R P Kehl, S Siddiqui -- Trends in CT-Scanning of Reservoir Rocks / S Siddiqui, M R H Sarker -- 3D Microanalysis of Geological Samples with High-Resolution Computed Tomography / G Zacherm, J Santillan, O Brunke, T Mayer -- Combination of Laboratory Micro-CT and Micro-XRF on Geological Objects / M N Boone, J Dewanckele, V Cnudde, G Silversmit, L Van Hoorebeke, L Vincze, P Jacobs -- Quantification of Physical Properties of the Transitional Phenomena in Rock from X-Ray CT Image Data / A Sato, K Tanaka, T Shiote, K Sasa -- Deformation in Fractured Argillaceous Rock under Seepage Flow Using X-ray CT and Digital Image Correlation / D Takano, P Bésuelle, J Desrues, S A Hall -- Experimental Investigation of Rate Effects on Two-Phase Flow through Fractured Rocks Using X-ray Computed Tomography / C H Lee, Z T Karpyn -- Micro-Petrophysical Experiments Via Tomography and Simulation / M Kumar, E Lebedeva, Y Melean, M Madadi, A P Sheppard, T K Varslot, A M Kingston, S J Latham, R M Sok, A Sakellariou, C H Arns, T J Senden, M A Knackstedt -- Segmentation of Low-contrast Three-phase X-ray Computed Tomography Images of Porous Media / P Bhattad, C S Willson, K E Thompson -- X-ray Imaging of Fluid Flow in Capillary Imbibition Experiments / C David, L Louis, B Menéndez, A Pons, J Fortin, S Stanchits, J M Mengus -- Evaluating the Influence of Wall-Roughness on Fracture Transmissivity with CT Scanning and Flow Simulations / D Crandall, G Bromhal, D McIntyre -- Permeability Measurements inside Compaction Bands Using X-Ray CT and Lattice Boltzmann Calculations / N Lenoir, J E Andrade, W C Sun, J W Rudnicki -- Evaluation of Porosity in Geomaterials Treated with Biogrout Considering Partial Volume Effect / Y Kobayashi, S Kawasaki, M Kato, T Mukunoki, K Kaneko -- Image-Based Pore-Scale Modeling Using the Finite Element Method / N Lane, K E Thompson -- Numerical Modeling of Complex Porous Media For Borehole Applications / Seungoh Ryu, Weishu Zhao, Gabriela Leu, Philip M Singer, Hyung Joon Cho, Youngseuk Keehm -- Characterization of Soil Erosion due to Infiltration into Capping Layers in Landfill / T Mukunoki, Y Karasaki, N Taniguchi -- On Pore Space Partitioning in Relation to Network Model Building for Fluid Flow Computation in Porous Media / E Plougonven, D Bernard, N Combaret -- 3D and Geometric Information of the Pore Structure in Pressurized Clastic Sandstone / M Takahashi, M Kato, A Changwan, Y Urushimatsu, Y Michiguchi, H Park -- Evaluation of Pressure-dependent Permeability in Rock by Means of the Tracer-Aided Xray CT / D Fukahori, K Sugawara -- Assessment of Time-Space Evolutions of Intertidal Flat Geo-Environments Using an Industrial X-Ray CT Scanner / F Yamada, A Tamaki, Y Obara -- Neutron Imaging Methods in Geoscience / A Kaestner, P Vontobel, E Lehmann -- Progress Towards Neutron Tomography at the US Spallation Neutron Source / L G Butler -- Synchrotron X-ray Micro-Tomography and Geological CO Sequestration / P S Nico, J B Ajo-Franklin, S M Benson, A McDowell, D B Silin, L Tomutsa, Y Wu -- Residual CO Saturation Distributions in Rock Samples Measured by X-Ray CT / H Okabe, Y Tsuchiya, C H Pentland, S Iglauer, M J Blunt -- X-Ray CT Imaging of Coal for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide / D H Smith, S A Jikich -- Comparison of X-Ray CT and Discrete Element Method in the Evaluation of Tunnel Face Failure / B Chevalier, D Takano, J Otani -- Plugging Mechanism of Open-Ended Piles / Y Kikuchi, T Sato, T Mizutani, Y Morikawa -- Development of a Bending Test Apparatus for Quasi-Dynamical Evaluation of a Clayey Soil Using X-Ray CT Image Analysis / T Nakano, T Mukunoki, J Otani, J P Gourc.
Advances in computed tomography for geomaterials : GeoX 2010
"This title discusses a broad range of issues related to the use of computed tomography in geomaterials and geomechanics. The contributions cover a wide range of topics, including deformation and strain localization in soils, rocks and sediments; fracture and damage assessment in rocks, asphalt and concrete; transport in porous media; oil and gas exploration and production; neutron tomography and other novel experimental and analytical techniques; image-based computational modeling; and software and visualization tools."--
Sand Deformation at the Grain Scale Quantified Through X-Ray Imaging / G Viggiani, P Bésuelle, S A Hall, J Desrues -- Quantitative Description of Grain Contacts in a Locked Sand / J Fonseca, C O'Sullivan, M R Coop -- 3D Characterization of Particle Interaction Using Synchrotron Microtomography / K A Alshibli, A Hasan -- Characterization of the Evolving Grain-Scale Structure in a Sand Deforming under Triaxial Compression / S A Hall, N Lenoir, G Viggiani, P Bésuelle, J Desrues -- Visualization of Strain Localization and Microstructures in Soils during Deformation Using Microfocus X-Ray CT / Y Higo, F Oka, S Kimoto, T Sanagawa, M Sawada, T Sato, Y Matsushima -- Determination of 3D Displacement Fields between X-ray Computed Tomography Images Using 3D Cross-Correlation / M Razavi, B Muhunthan -- Characterization of Shear and Compaction Bands in Sandstone Using X-Ray Tomography and 3D Digital Image Correlation / E-M Charalampidou, S A Hall, S Stanchits, G Viggiani, H Lewis -- Deformation Characteristics of Tire Chips-Sand Mixture in Triaxial Compression Test by Using X-Ray CT Scanning / Y Kikuchi, T Hidaka, T Sato, H Hazarika -- Strain Field Measurements in Sand under Triaxial Compression Using X-Ray CT Data and Digital Image Correlation / Y Watanabe, N Lenoir, S A Hall, J Otani -- Latest Developments in 3D Analysis of Geomaterials by Morpho+ / V Cnudde, J Vlassenbroeck, Y De Witte, L Brabant, M N Boone, J Dewanckele, L Van Hoorebeke, P Jacobs -- Quantifying Particle Shape in 3D / E J Garboczi -- 3D Aggregate Evaluation Using Laser and X-Ray Scanning / L Wang, C Druta, Y Zhou, C Harris -- Computation of Aggregate Contact Points, Orientation and Segregation in Asphalt Specimens Using their X-Ray CT Images / M Kutay -- Integration of 3D Imaging and Discrete Element Modeling for Concrete Fracture Problems / E N Landis, J E Bolander -- Application of Microfocus X-Ray CT to Investigate the Frost-Induced Damage Process in Cement-Based Materials / M A B Promentilla, T Sugiyama -- Evaluation of the Efficiency of Self-Healing in Concrete by Means of µ-CT / K Van Tittelboom, D Van Loo, N De Belie, P Jacobs -- Quantification of Material Constitution in Concrete by X-Ray CT Method / T Temmyo, Y Obara -- Sealing Behavior of Fracture in Cementitious Material with Micro-Focus X-Ray CT / D Fukuda, Y Nara, D Mori, K Kaneko -- Extraction of Effective Cement Paste Diffusivities from X-Ray Microtomography Scans / K Krabbenhoft, M R Karim -- Contributions of X-Ray CT to the Characterization of Natural Building Stones and their Disintegration / J Dewanckele, D Van Loo, J Vlassenbroeck, M N Boone, V Cnudde, M A Boone, T De Kock, L Van Hoorebeke, P Jacobs -- Characterization of Porous Media in Agent Transport Simulation / L-B Hu, C Savidge, D Rizzo, N Hayden, M Dewoolkar, L Meador, J W Hagadorn -- Two Less-Used Applications of Petrophysical CT-Scanning / R P Kehl, S Siddiqui -- Trends in CT-Scanning of Reservoir Rocks / S Siddiqui, M R H Sarker -- 3D Microanalysis of Geological Samples with High-Resolution Computed Tomography / G Zacherm, J Santillan, O Brunke, T Mayer -- Combination of Laboratory Micro-CT and Micro-XRF on Geological Objects / M N Boone, J Dewanckele, V Cnudde, G Silversmit, L Van Hoorebeke, L Vincze, P Jacobs -- Quantification of Physical Properties of the Transitional Phenomena in Rock from X-Ray CT Image Data / A Sato, K Tanaka, T Shiote, K Sasa -- Deformation in Fractured Argillaceous Rock under Seepage Flow Using X-ray CT and Digital Image Correlation / D Takano, P Bésuelle, J Desrues, S A Hall -- Experimental Investigation of Rate Effects on Two-Phase Flow through Fractured Rocks Using X-ray Computed Tomography / C H Lee, Z T Karpyn -- Micro-Petrophysical Experiments Via Tomography and Simulation / M Kumar, E Lebedeva, Y Melean, M Madadi, A P Sheppard, T K Varslot, A M Kingston, S J Latham, R M Sok, A Sakellariou, C H Arns, T J Senden, M A Knackstedt -- Segmentation of Low-contrast Three-phase X-ray Computed Tomography Images of Porous Media / P Bhattad, C S Willson, K E Thompson -- X-ray Imaging of Fluid Flow in Capillary Imbibition Experiments / C David, L Louis, B Menéndez, A Pons, J Fortin, S Stanchits, J M Mengus -- Evaluating the Influence of Wall-Roughness on Fracture Transmissivity with CT Scanning and Flow Simulations / D Crandall, G Bromhal, D McIntyre -- Permeability Measurements inside Compaction Bands Using X-Ray CT and Lattice Boltzmann Calculations / N Lenoir, J E Andrade, W C Sun, J W Rudnicki -- Evaluation of Porosity in Geomaterials Treated with Biogrout Considering Partial Volume Effect / Y Kobayashi, S Kawasaki, M Kato, T Mukunoki, K Kaneko -- Image-Based Pore-Scale Modeling Using the Finite Element Method / N Lane, K E Thompson -- Numerical Modeling of Complex Porous Media For Borehole Applications / Seungoh Ryu, Weishu Zhao, Gabriela Leu, Philip M Singer, Hyung Joon Cho, Youngseuk Keehm -- Characterization of Soil Erosion due to Infiltration into Capping Layers in Landfill / T Mukunoki, Y Karasaki, N Taniguchi -- On Pore Space Partitioning in Relation to Network Model Building for Fluid Flow Computation in Porous Media / E Plougonven, D Bernard, N Combaret -- 3D and Geometric Information of the Pore Structure in Pressurized Clastic Sandstone / M Takahashi, M Kato, A Changwan, Y Urushimatsu, Y Michiguchi, H Park -- Evaluation of Pressure-dependent Permeability in Rock by Means of the Tracer-Aided Xray CT / D Fukahori, K Sugawara -- Assessment of Time-Space Evolutions of Intertidal Flat Geo-Environments Using an Industrial X-Ray CT Scanner / F Yamada, A Tamaki, Y Obara -- Neutron Imaging Methods in Geoscience / A Kaestner, P Vontobel, E Lehmann -- Progress Towards Neutron Tomography at the US Spallation Neutron Source / L G Butler -- Synchrotron X-ray Micro-Tomography and Geological CO Sequestration / P S Nico, J B Ajo-Franklin, S M Benson, A McDowell, D B Silin, L Tomutsa, Y Wu -- Residual CO Saturation Distributions in Rock Samples Measured by X-Ray CT / H Okabe, Y Tsuchiya, C H Pentland, S Iglauer, M J Blunt -- X-Ray CT Imaging of Coal for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide / D H Smith, S A Jikich -- Comparison of X-Ray CT and Discrete Element Method in the Evaluation of Tunnel Face Failure / B Chevalier, D Takano, J Otani -- Plugging Mechanism of Open-Ended Piles / Y Kikuchi, T Sato, T Mizutani, Y Morikawa -- Development of a Bending Test Apparatus for Quasi-Dynamical Evaluation of a Clayey Soil Using X-Ray CT Image Analysis / T Nakano, T Mukunoki, J Otani, J P Gourc.
Advances in computed tomography for geomaterials : GeoX 2010
GeoX 2010
1 Online-Ressource (xvi, 425 pages)
Includes bibliographical references and author index
Elektronische Ressource
Advances in computed tomography for geomaterials : GeoX 2010
TIBKAT | 2010
|Advances in computed tomography for geomaterials : GeoX 2010
TIBKAT | 2010
|TIBKAT | 2010
Advances in X-ray tomography for geomaterials
TIBKAT | 2006
|Advances in X-ray tomography for geomaterials
UB Braunschweig | 2006