A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism
Towards the Improvisation of Space ; K improvizaciji prostora
Careful observation of contemporary urban agglomerations challenges planning and design disciplines to reconsider their inherited conceptions of the urban as a fixed, teleological, and universally generalisable form. Thereby, contingency, emerging as a constitutive resource of the city, provokes a rethinking of the epistemology of the urban. While the conceptual framing shifts from reading the city as object towards interpreting the city as process, emphasis is laid not only on an analysis of built structures, but also of urban practice. Against this background, this essay proposes a different reading of urban practice itself, drawing attention away from any substantialisation of action and to the constitutive effects of action. On the basis of this reading, one can claim that the condition for planning and architecture has changed. Their role is not to offer resolution and inherently new tabula rasa designs, but instead to carefully examine urban praxis in contingent situations. In accordance with this observation, my argument is that urban practice can essentially be read as the technology of improvisation. In this context, the term improvisation technology indicates an attempt to move away from conventional courses of action and planning strategies and towards engaging “in urban situations.” ; Natančnejše opazovanje sodobnih urbanih aglomeracij zahteva od načrtovanja in oblikovanja, da ponovno premislijo lastna pojmovanja urbanega kot fiksne, teleološke in univerzalno posplošljive forme. Kontingenca, ki vznikne kot konstitutivni resurs mesta, potemtakem zahteva ponovni premislek epistemologije urbanega. Vtem ko se konceptualno uokvirjenje premakne iz razumevanja mesta kot objekta k interpretaciji mesta kot procesa, poudarek ni zgolj na analizi zgrajenih struktur, temveč tudi na urbanih praksah. Na takšnemu ozadju esej predlaga drugačno branje urbane prakse, s tem da odvrne pozornost od vsakršnega substancializma akcije in jo obrne k njenim konstitutivnim učinkom. Opirajoč se na takšno branje, lahko trdimo, da ...
Towards the Improvisation of Space ; K improvizaciji prostora
Careful observation of contemporary urban agglomerations challenges planning and design disciplines to reconsider their inherited conceptions of the urban as a fixed, teleological, and universally generalisable form. Thereby, contingency, emerging as a constitutive resource of the city, provokes a rethinking of the epistemology of the urban. While the conceptual framing shifts from reading the city as object towards interpreting the city as process, emphasis is laid not only on an analysis of built structures, but also of urban practice. Against this background, this essay proposes a different reading of urban practice itself, drawing attention away from any substantialisation of action and to the constitutive effects of action. On the basis of this reading, one can claim that the condition for planning and architecture has changed. Their role is not to offer resolution and inherently new tabula rasa designs, but instead to carefully examine urban praxis in contingent situations. In accordance with this observation, my argument is that urban practice can essentially be read as the technology of improvisation. In this context, the term improvisation technology indicates an attempt to move away from conventional courses of action and planning strategies and towards engaging “in urban situations.” ; Natančnejše opazovanje sodobnih urbanih aglomeracij zahteva od načrtovanja in oblikovanja, da ponovno premislijo lastna pojmovanja urbanega kot fiksne, teleološke in univerzalno posplošljive forme. Kontingenca, ki vznikne kot konstitutivni resurs mesta, potemtakem zahteva ponovni premislek epistemologije urbanega. Vtem ko se konceptualno uokvirjenje premakne iz razumevanja mesta kot objekta k interpretaciji mesta kot procesa, poudarek ni zgolj na analizi zgrajenih struktur, temveč tudi na urbanih praksah. Na takšnemu ozadju esej predlaga drugačno branje urbane prakse, s tem da odvrne pozornost od vsakršnega substancializma akcije in jo obrne k njenim konstitutivnim učinkom. Opirajoč se na takšno branje, lahko trdimo, da ...
Towards the Improvisation of Space ; K improvizaciji prostora
Dell, Christopher (author)
Filozofski vestnik; Vol. 38 No. 3 (2017): Utopias and Alternatives 2 ; Filozofski vestnik; Letn. 38 Št. 3 (2017): Utopias and Alternatives 2: Utopia and Imaginary ; 1581-1239 ; 0353-4510
Article (Journal)
Electronic Resource
urban practice , improvisation , form , urbana praksa , improvizacija , kontingentnost , prostor , space , contingency , oblika