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Long-Term Energy Analysis for Sustainable Strategies in Nigeria Using the LEAP Model
학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공, 2016. 2. 허은녕. ; This thesis developed a set of the long-term energy scenarios for Nigeria considering the impact of vital factors that may influence its energy policies in its future energy system. The energy scenarios were developed through the application of the Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) model. The Nigerian LEAP model was developed to identify the future energy demand and how it could be met using a least-cost combination of technology options without similar expansion in greenhouse gases. The developed model incorporated four policy scenarios that differ from one another, and this was intended to capture the vital factors that may influence the energy policies in the future. The factors that were taken as parameters included the GDP, the households, the population and urbanization growth rates, and the growth rates of the energy-intensive sectors. The four scenarios that were developed were the reference (REF), low-carbon moderate (LCM), low-carbon advanced (LCA), and green-optimistic (GO) scenarios. The results of the modeled scenarios showed that the energy demand is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of 3.58% (REF), 3.53% (LCM), 2.95% (LCA), and 2.61% (GO). The REF scenario energy demand was the highest (with 3,075 PJ by 2040) while the GO scenario was the lowest (2,249.2 PJ). The GHG emission rate was very low for the GO scenario (124.4 MMTCDE) compared to the other scenarios, and this was due to the high level of renewables and the energy efficiency application into the energy mix. The level of energy policies such as various degrees of energy efficiency and fuel/technology switching was increased from the LCM scenario (which had a moderate policy implementation), the advance LCA scenario, and the more aggressive GO scenario. Furthermore, a cost-benefit analysis was carried out to ascertain the cost of implementing some policies and strategies in Nigeria, including energy efficiency and fuel/technology switching. The results showed that it would cost Nigeria USD1.69 billion to implement policies in the LCM scenario, USD23.8 billion in the LCA scenario, and USD41.4 billion in the GO scenario. With regard to the least-cost electricity generation options for power plants in the different scenarios in this study, it was shown that on-shore wind power and small hydropower are the least-cost electricity generation options overall. For fossil fuel power plants, CCGT was identified as the least-cost electricity generation option as well as the lowest-GHG-emitting power plant besides biomass, which was considered a low-carbon technology. From the results in general, it was observed that low-carbon and renewable technologies will have an important role to play in the realization of low-carbon development in Nigeria. To achieve this feat, this thesis further explored some strategies that can ensure low-carbon development in Nigeria, with a view of attaining green growth. These strategies include adopting the green growth ideology and coming up with energy policy reforms, long-term energy plans and targets, energy regulations and standards, environmental tax reforms, urban plans, efficient building designs, and measures to improve the efficiency of the country’s energy and transport system. This thesis is significant in that it applied a bottom-up approach for the Nigerian energy model, performed a cost-benefit analysis, presented least-cost electricity generation options, and suggested strategic energy policies. The findings from this thesis can be used as a guide in the development of energy policies and sustainable strategies for the attainment of low-carbon development in the long term in Nigeria. ; Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Background of the Problem 2 1.3 Statement of the Research Problems 4 1.4 Research Questions 5 1.5 Research Objectives 5 1.6 Methodology 6 1.7 Scope of the Research 8 1.8 Significance of the Research 10 1.9 Structure of the Thesis 10 Chapter 2. The Energy Sector in Nigeria 13 2.1 A Brief History on the Nigerian Power Sector 13 2.2 The Nigerian Energy Resources 17 2.2.1 Conventional Energy Resources 17 2.2.2 Non-conventional Energy Resources (Renewable Energy) 41 2.3 Primary Energy Supply in Nigeria 60 2.4 Primary Energy Consumption 62 2.5 Relevant Government Ministries, Parastatals and Agencies in the Nigerian Energy Sector and their Roles 67 2.5.1 The Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) 67 2.5.2 Federal Ministry of Environment (FME) 69 2.5.3 Federal Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (FMLHUD) 71 2.5.4 Federal Ministry of Power (FMP) 71 2.5.5 Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR) 72 2.5.6 National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) 73 2.5.7 Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading Plc. (NBET) 73 2.5.8 Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) 74 2.5.9 Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) 75 2.5.10 Presidential Taskforce on Power (PTFP) 76 2.5.11 Rural Electrification Agency of Nigeria (REA) 76 2.5.12 Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) 77 2.5.13 Council for Renewable Energy in Nigeria (CREN) 78 2.5.14 Green Building Council of Nigeria (GBCN) 79 2.6 Nigerian Energy Policies and Strategies 79 2.6.1 National Electric Power Policy (NEPP), 2001 80 2.6.2 National Energy Policy (NEP), 2003, 2006, 2013 81 2.6.3 National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), 2004 82 2.6.4 National Power Sector Reform Act (EPSRA), 2005 83 2.6.5 Renewable Electricity Policy Guidelines (REPG), 2006 84 2.6.6 Renewable Electricity Action Programme (REAP), 2006 86 2.6.7 Nigerian Biofuel Policy and Incentives (NBPI), 2007 86 2.6.8 Nigerian Gas Master Plan (NGMP), 2008 88 2.6.9 Roadmap for Power Sector Reform (A Customer-Driven Sector-Wide Plan to Achieve Stable power Supply, 2010) and (Revision 1, 2013) 89 2.6.10 Renewable Energy Master Plan (REMP) 2005 and 2012 91 2.6.11 National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy (NREEEP), 2014 92 2.6.12 Multi-Year Tariff Order (MYTO), 2008 and 2012 94 2.6.13 Draft Rural Electrification Strategy and Implementation Plan (RESIP), 2014 96 Chapter 3. Literature Review 98 3.1 Review of Energy Forecasting Models 98 3.1.1 Approach to Energy Modeling 102 3.1.2 Classification of Existing Bottom-up and Top-down Energy Models 104 3.1 Literature Review and Synthesis 108 3.1.1 Literature Review 108 3.1.2 Synthesis of the Literature 113 Chapter 4. Methodology, Data and Scenario Development 116 4.1 The Model 116 4.1.1 Reason for the Selection of the LEAP Model 117 4.1.2 The Algorithm of the LEAP Model 118 4.2 The LEAP Data Requirement 134 4.2.1 Demographic Data 135 4.2.2 Economic Data 135 4.2.3 General Energy Data 135 4.2.4 Demand Data 136 4.2.5 Transformation data 138 4.2.6 Environmental Data 140 4.2.7 Fuel Data 140 4.2.8 Data Collection Process 141 4.3 Scenario Development 144 4.3.1 The Base Year 148 4.3.2 The Reference scenario (REF) 152 4.3.3 The Low Carbon Moderate Scenario (LCM) 158 4.3.4 The Low Carbon Advance Scenario (LCA) 163 4.3.5 The Green Optimistic Scenario (GO) 169 Chapter 5. Results and Discussions 175 5.1 Results 175 5.1.1 The Reference Scenario (REF) 175 5.1.2 The Low Carbon Moderate Scenario (LCM) 191 5.1.3 The Low Carbon Advance Scenario (LCA) 202 5.1.4 The Green Optimistic Scenario (GO) 213 5.2 Discussions 226 5.2.1 Meeting Energy Demand with Supply 226 5.2.2 Matching Electricity Supply with Demand 233 5.2.3 Primary Resource Requirements 236 5.2.4 GHGs Reduction Potential 237 5.2.5 Cost-Benefit Analysis 239 5.2.6 Least-Cost Electricity Generation 243 5.3 Sustainable Strategies 253 5.3.1 Thinking and Adopting the Green Growth Ideology 254 5.3.2 Energy Policy Reforms 256 5.3.3 Long-Term Energy Planning and Target 257 5.3.4 Energy Regulations and Standards 258 5.3.5 Environmental Tax Reforms 259 5.3.6 Urban Planning 260 5.3.7 Efficient Building Design 261 5.3.8 Efficiency of the Energy System 263 5.3.9 Efficiency of Passenger Transport System 264 5.4 Key Findings and Policy Implications 267 5.4.1 Key Findings and Assessment 267 5.4.2 Policy Implications 273 Chapter 6. Conclusion and Policy Recommendations 277 6.1 Conclusion 277 6.2 Policy Recommendations 280 6.3 Study Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study 285 References 287 Appendix 336 Appendix A: Projections 336 Appendix B: Sources of Datasets used in the Development of Nigeria LEAP Model 345 Appendix C: Sectorial Energy Demand by Scenarios 353 Appendix D: Primary and Secondary Energy Supply by Scenarios 365 Appendix E: Total Electricity Supply by Scenarios 369 Appendix F: Total Electricity Demand, Supply and Primary Resources Requirements by Scenarios 373 Appendix G: Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions by Scenarios 374 Appendix H: Energy Balance by Scenarios 378 Appendix I: Results for Least-Cost Electricity Generation 383 발췌문 390 ; Master
Long-Term Energy Analysis for Sustainable Strategies in Nigeria Using the LEAP Model
학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공, 2016. 2. 허은녕. ; This thesis developed a set of the long-term energy scenarios for Nigeria considering the impact of vital factors that may influence its energy policies in its future energy system. The energy scenarios were developed through the application of the Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) model. The Nigerian LEAP model was developed to identify the future energy demand and how it could be met using a least-cost combination of technology options without similar expansion in greenhouse gases. The developed model incorporated four policy scenarios that differ from one another, and this was intended to capture the vital factors that may influence the energy policies in the future. The factors that were taken as parameters included the GDP, the households, the population and urbanization growth rates, and the growth rates of the energy-intensive sectors. The four scenarios that were developed were the reference (REF), low-carbon moderate (LCM), low-carbon advanced (LCA), and green-optimistic (GO) scenarios. The results of the modeled scenarios showed that the energy demand is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of 3.58% (REF), 3.53% (LCM), 2.95% (LCA), and 2.61% (GO). The REF scenario energy demand was the highest (with 3,075 PJ by 2040) while the GO scenario was the lowest (2,249.2 PJ). The GHG emission rate was very low for the GO scenario (124.4 MMTCDE) compared to the other scenarios, and this was due to the high level of renewables and the energy efficiency application into the energy mix. The level of energy policies such as various degrees of energy efficiency and fuel/technology switching was increased from the LCM scenario (which had a moderate policy implementation), the advance LCA scenario, and the more aggressive GO scenario. Furthermore, a cost-benefit analysis was carried out to ascertain the cost of implementing some policies and strategies in Nigeria, including energy efficiency and fuel/technology switching. The results showed that it would cost Nigeria USD1.69 billion to implement policies in the LCM scenario, USD23.8 billion in the LCA scenario, and USD41.4 billion in the GO scenario. With regard to the least-cost electricity generation options for power plants in the different scenarios in this study, it was shown that on-shore wind power and small hydropower are the least-cost electricity generation options overall. For fossil fuel power plants, CCGT was identified as the least-cost electricity generation option as well as the lowest-GHG-emitting power plant besides biomass, which was considered a low-carbon technology. From the results in general, it was observed that low-carbon and renewable technologies will have an important role to play in the realization of low-carbon development in Nigeria. To achieve this feat, this thesis further explored some strategies that can ensure low-carbon development in Nigeria, with a view of attaining green growth. These strategies include adopting the green growth ideology and coming up with energy policy reforms, long-term energy plans and targets, energy regulations and standards, environmental tax reforms, urban plans, efficient building designs, and measures to improve the efficiency of the country’s energy and transport system. This thesis is significant in that it applied a bottom-up approach for the Nigerian energy model, performed a cost-benefit analysis, presented least-cost electricity generation options, and suggested strategic energy policies. The findings from this thesis can be used as a guide in the development of energy policies and sustainable strategies for the attainment of low-carbon development in the long term in Nigeria. ; Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Background of the Problem 2 1.3 Statement of the Research Problems 4 1.4 Research Questions 5 1.5 Research Objectives 5 1.6 Methodology 6 1.7 Scope of the Research 8 1.8 Significance of the Research 10 1.9 Structure of the Thesis 10 Chapter 2. The Energy Sector in Nigeria 13 2.1 A Brief History on the Nigerian Power Sector 13 2.2 The Nigerian Energy Resources 17 2.2.1 Conventional Energy Resources 17 2.2.2 Non-conventional Energy Resources (Renewable Energy) 41 2.3 Primary Energy Supply in Nigeria 60 2.4 Primary Energy Consumption 62 2.5 Relevant Government Ministries, Parastatals and Agencies in the Nigerian Energy Sector and their Roles 67 2.5.1 The Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) 67 2.5.2 Federal Ministry of Environment (FME) 69 2.5.3 Federal Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (FMLHUD) 71 2.5.4 Federal Ministry of Power (FMP) 71 2.5.5 Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR) 72 2.5.6 National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) 73 2.5.7 Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading Plc. (NBET) 73 2.5.8 Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) 74 2.5.9 Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) 75 2.5.10 Presidential Taskforce on Power (PTFP) 76 2.5.11 Rural Electrification Agency of Nigeria (REA) 76 2.5.12 Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) 77 2.5.13 Council for Renewable Energy in Nigeria (CREN) 78 2.5.14 Green Building Council of Nigeria (GBCN) 79 2.6 Nigerian Energy Policies and Strategies 79 2.6.1 National Electric Power Policy (NEPP), 2001 80 2.6.2 National Energy Policy (NEP), 2003, 2006, 2013 81 2.6.3 National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), 2004 82 2.6.4 National Power Sector Reform Act (EPSRA), 2005 83 2.6.5 Renewable Electricity Policy Guidelines (REPG), 2006 84 2.6.6 Renewable Electricity Action Programme (REAP), 2006 86 2.6.7 Nigerian Biofuel Policy and Incentives (NBPI), 2007 86 2.6.8 Nigerian Gas Master Plan (NGMP), 2008 88 2.6.9 Roadmap for Power Sector Reform (A Customer-Driven Sector-Wide Plan to Achieve Stable power Supply, 2010) and (Revision 1, 2013) 89 2.6.10 Renewable Energy Master Plan (REMP) 2005 and 2012 91 2.6.11 National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy (NREEEP), 2014 92 2.6.12 Multi-Year Tariff Order (MYTO), 2008 and 2012 94 2.6.13 Draft Rural Electrification Strategy and Implementation Plan (RESIP), 2014 96 Chapter 3. Literature Review 98 3.1 Review of Energy Forecasting Models 98 3.1.1 Approach to Energy Modeling 102 3.1.2 Classification of Existing Bottom-up and Top-down Energy Models 104 3.1 Literature Review and Synthesis 108 3.1.1 Literature Review 108 3.1.2 Synthesis of the Literature 113 Chapter 4. Methodology, Data and Scenario Development 116 4.1 The Model 116 4.1.1 Reason for the Selection of the LEAP Model 117 4.1.2 The Algorithm of the LEAP Model 118 4.2 The LEAP Data Requirement 134 4.2.1 Demographic Data 135 4.2.2 Economic Data 135 4.2.3 General Energy Data 135 4.2.4 Demand Data 136 4.2.5 Transformation data 138 4.2.6 Environmental Data 140 4.2.7 Fuel Data 140 4.2.8 Data Collection Process 141 4.3 Scenario Development 144 4.3.1 The Base Year 148 4.3.2 The Reference scenario (REF) 152 4.3.3 The Low Carbon Moderate Scenario (LCM) 158 4.3.4 The Low Carbon Advance Scenario (LCA) 163 4.3.5 The Green Optimistic Scenario (GO) 169 Chapter 5. Results and Discussions 175 5.1 Results 175 5.1.1 The Reference Scenario (REF) 175 5.1.2 The Low Carbon Moderate Scenario (LCM) 191 5.1.3 The Low Carbon Advance Scenario (LCA) 202 5.1.4 The Green Optimistic Scenario (GO) 213 5.2 Discussions 226 5.2.1 Meeting Energy Demand with Supply 226 5.2.2 Matching Electricity Supply with Demand 233 5.2.3 Primary Resource Requirements 236 5.2.4 GHGs Reduction Potential 237 5.2.5 Cost-Benefit Analysis 239 5.2.6 Least-Cost Electricity Generation 243 5.3 Sustainable Strategies 253 5.3.1 Thinking and Adopting the Green Growth Ideology 254 5.3.2 Energy Policy Reforms 256 5.3.3 Long-Term Energy Planning and Target 257 5.3.4 Energy Regulations and Standards 258 5.3.5 Environmental Tax Reforms 259 5.3.6 Urban Planning 260 5.3.7 Efficient Building Design 261 5.3.8 Efficiency of the Energy System 263 5.3.9 Efficiency of Passenger Transport System 264 5.4 Key Findings and Policy Implications 267 5.4.1 Key Findings and Assessment 267 5.4.2 Policy Implications 273 Chapter 6. Conclusion and Policy Recommendations 277 6.1 Conclusion 277 6.2 Policy Recommendations 280 6.3 Study Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study 285 References 287 Appendix 336 Appendix A: Projections 336 Appendix B: Sources of Datasets used in the Development of Nigeria LEAP Model 345 Appendix C: Sectorial Energy Demand by Scenarios 353 Appendix D: Primary and Secondary Energy Supply by Scenarios 365 Appendix E: Total Electricity Supply by Scenarios 369 Appendix F: Total Electricity Demand, Supply and Primary Resources Requirements by Scenarios 373 Appendix G: Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions by Scenarios 374 Appendix H: Energy Balance by Scenarios 378 Appendix I: Results for Least-Cost Electricity Generation 383 발췌문 390 ; Master
Long-Term Energy Analysis for Sustainable Strategies in Nigeria Using the LEAP Model
내메카 (author) / Eunnyeong Heo / Nnaemeka Vincent Emodi / 공과대학 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공
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|Strategies for sustainable urban and transport development in Nigeria
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