A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism
Dwellscape:The Contemporary Dwelling Interior as a Domestic Landscape
Denne ph.d.-afhandling er et bidrag til en arkitektonisk diskurs for rumlig organisering af den moderne bolig. Boligen spiller en væsentlig rolle som ramme for dagligdagen og i udformningen af vores sociale relationer. Til trods for dette baseres nuværende arkitektonisk praksis overvejende på funktionalistiske logikker, som implementeres via standarder, byggelovgivning og designprincipper. Det er afhandlingens tese, at der eksisterer et misforhold i udformningen af planer og rumlig organisering af den moderne bolig som følge af en ukritisk anvendelse af funktionalistiske planløsningsprincipper, der bevirker en deterministisk udformning baseret på en abstrakt opdeling af boligens levede virkelighed i funktion, bruger og Kartesiansk “rum”. Afhandlingen tager afsæt i følgende forskningsspørgsmål: Hvordan kan arkitekten rekonceptualisere planen for den moderne bolig som reaktion på det nuværende misforhold i boligens rumlige organisering? ”Research by design”-metoden udgør den systematiske struktur for undersøgelsen af ovenstående forskningsspørgsmål. Herudover, vil afhandlingen benytte en “dualistisk bevægelse” mellem retrospektiv analyse af casestudier og formativ teori, som omfatter traditionel rumlig praksis i Japan, den pittoreske bevægelse og post-funktionalistiske principper, som sammenfattes i tre designundersøgelser. Undersøgelserne udarbejdes via “epistemiske objekter”, og udformes som fysiske modeller, der underkastes en kvalitativ analyse. Dette muliggør et udtræk af modellernes implicitte viden, der sideløbende vil informere den retrospektive forskning. Forskningsprojektets opnåede viden formidles igennem en skriftlig monografi, som ledsages af de “epistemiske objekter”. Gennem en rekonceptualisering af boligens plan som et “domisticeret landskab” fremsættes “Dwellscape” som en produktiv strategi for rumlig organisering. “Dwellscape” defineres som et domesticeret, landskabeligt forløb bestående af relationelle felt-konfigurationer af klare arkitektoniske elementer og “steder”, der dels fordrer bestemte aktiviteter og dels formår at tegne interstitielle og ambivalente rum, til fri fortolkning og appropriering efter beboerens varierende behov. Forskningsprojektet formulerer de tre centrale bestanddele for “Dwellscapes”, som omfatter en tilgang til rumlig organisering baseret på relationelle “felt-konfigurationer”, vigtigheden af overgange, tærskler og “placemaking” og endelig, et øget fokus på beboerens muligheder for appropriering og tilpasning. Afhandlingens hypotese omhandler anvendelsen af “Dwellscape” princippet, som en formativ tilgang til den rumlige organisering af boligens plan som en aktiv udfordring af de nuværende, funktionalistiske planløsningsprincipper. Henover projektforløbet repræsenterer “research by design” -undersøgelserne den fysiske manifestation af “Dwellscape” princippet. Derudover fostres begrebet “den pittoreske plan” gennem anvendelsen af den fysiske model som et konstruktivt kontrapunkt til den planimetriske, rumlige organisering. Det tilsigtes, at forskningsprojektets fund vil udgøre et væsentligt bidrag til en kritisk diskurs på boligens plan og rumlige organisering. ; This Ph.D. dissertation engages in an architectural discourse on the spatial organisation of the contemporary dwelling interior, which plays a central role in our lives by supporting and shaping our human relationships, behaviour and daily routines. Despite the importance of this built environment, current architectural praxis continues to be informed by functionalist principles that are propagated by building standards, planning codes and entrenched design methods involved in the production of housing leading to a ‘crisis’ in domestic architecture. As a point of departure for this project the following question has been posited, In the midst of the current ‘crisis’ in domestic architecture brought about by a positivistic approach to the application of functionalist spatial planning principles, which results in deterministic forms of inhabitation through the abstraction of the lived reality of the built environment into definite ‘functions’, ‘users’ and Cartesian ‘space’, how might the architect reconceptualise the spatial organisation of the contemporary dwelling interior? A ‘research by design’ method provides a systematic framework for this enquiry. A simultaneous ‘two-fold movement’ occurs between retrospective analysis of case study projects and formative theory including traditional Japanese spatial praxis, the picturesque movement and ‘post-functionalist’ architectural ideas, which are then synthesised together through the development of three prospective design enquiries. These enquiries result in the production of ‘epistemic artefacts’ that take the form of physical models. Qualitative analysis of these proposals enables the extraction of embodied knowledge, which in turn influences the retrospective research concurrently. Knowledge produced over the course of the research enquiries are disseminated through the written monograph and its accompanying ‘epistemic artefacts’. Through a reconceptualisation of the contemporary dwelling interior as a ‘domestic landscape’ the notion of ‘Dwellscape’ is proposed as a productive spatial organisation strategy. A ‘Dwellscape’ is defined as a continuous ‘domestic landscape’ composed of a relational field-configuration of distinct architectural elements, which define ‘places’ that accommodate specific activities, as well as, delineating ambiguous interstitial ‘places’ that can support inhabitant appropriation in a multitude of ways. Three important constituent aspects of ‘Dwellscape’ emerge from the research, which includes an approach to spatial organisation based upon a ‘relational fieldconfiguration’, the value of ‘threshold’ places and finally, a focus on providing opportunities for inhabitant ‘appropriation’. It is the position of this dissertation that the ‘Dwellscape’ concept can be utilised as a formative approach to the spatial organisation of the domestic interior, which productively challenges functionalist planning strategies that continue to inform contemporary architectural praxis. Over the course of this project, the research by design enquiries show practical manifestations of the ‘Dwellscape’ concept. Through emphasis on the use of physical models, ‘pictorial planning’ has emerged as a productive counter-point to the dominance of a planimetric approach to spatial organisation. It is intended that the findings of this research project make a valuable contribution to a critical discourse on the spatial organisation of the contemporary dwelling interior.
Dwellscape:The Contemporary Dwelling Interior as a Domestic Landscape
Denne ph.d.-afhandling er et bidrag til en arkitektonisk diskurs for rumlig organisering af den moderne bolig. Boligen spiller en væsentlig rolle som ramme for dagligdagen og i udformningen af vores sociale relationer. Til trods for dette baseres nuværende arkitektonisk praksis overvejende på funktionalistiske logikker, som implementeres via standarder, byggelovgivning og designprincipper. Det er afhandlingens tese, at der eksisterer et misforhold i udformningen af planer og rumlig organisering af den moderne bolig som følge af en ukritisk anvendelse af funktionalistiske planløsningsprincipper, der bevirker en deterministisk udformning baseret på en abstrakt opdeling af boligens levede virkelighed i funktion, bruger og Kartesiansk “rum”. Afhandlingen tager afsæt i følgende forskningsspørgsmål: Hvordan kan arkitekten rekonceptualisere planen for den moderne bolig som reaktion på det nuværende misforhold i boligens rumlige organisering? ”Research by design”-metoden udgør den systematiske struktur for undersøgelsen af ovenstående forskningsspørgsmål. Herudover, vil afhandlingen benytte en “dualistisk bevægelse” mellem retrospektiv analyse af casestudier og formativ teori, som omfatter traditionel rumlig praksis i Japan, den pittoreske bevægelse og post-funktionalistiske principper, som sammenfattes i tre designundersøgelser. Undersøgelserne udarbejdes via “epistemiske objekter”, og udformes som fysiske modeller, der underkastes en kvalitativ analyse. Dette muliggør et udtræk af modellernes implicitte viden, der sideløbende vil informere den retrospektive forskning. Forskningsprojektets opnåede viden formidles igennem en skriftlig monografi, som ledsages af de “epistemiske objekter”. Gennem en rekonceptualisering af boligens plan som et “domisticeret landskab” fremsættes “Dwellscape” som en produktiv strategi for rumlig organisering. “Dwellscape” defineres som et domesticeret, landskabeligt forløb bestående af relationelle felt-konfigurationer af klare arkitektoniske elementer og “steder”, der dels fordrer bestemte aktiviteter og dels formår at tegne interstitielle og ambivalente rum, til fri fortolkning og appropriering efter beboerens varierende behov. Forskningsprojektet formulerer de tre centrale bestanddele for “Dwellscapes”, som omfatter en tilgang til rumlig organisering baseret på relationelle “felt-konfigurationer”, vigtigheden af overgange, tærskler og “placemaking” og endelig, et øget fokus på beboerens muligheder for appropriering og tilpasning. Afhandlingens hypotese omhandler anvendelsen af “Dwellscape” princippet, som en formativ tilgang til den rumlige organisering af boligens plan som en aktiv udfordring af de nuværende, funktionalistiske planløsningsprincipper. Henover projektforløbet repræsenterer “research by design” -undersøgelserne den fysiske manifestation af “Dwellscape” princippet. Derudover fostres begrebet “den pittoreske plan” gennem anvendelsen af den fysiske model som et konstruktivt kontrapunkt til den planimetriske, rumlige organisering. Det tilsigtes, at forskningsprojektets fund vil udgøre et væsentligt bidrag til en kritisk diskurs på boligens plan og rumlige organisering. ; This Ph.D. dissertation engages in an architectural discourse on the spatial organisation of the contemporary dwelling interior, which plays a central role in our lives by supporting and shaping our human relationships, behaviour and daily routines. Despite the importance of this built environment, current architectural praxis continues to be informed by functionalist principles that are propagated by building standards, planning codes and entrenched design methods involved in the production of housing leading to a ‘crisis’ in domestic architecture. As a point of departure for this project the following question has been posited, In the midst of the current ‘crisis’ in domestic architecture brought about by a positivistic approach to the application of functionalist spatial planning principles, which results in deterministic forms of inhabitation through the abstraction of the lived reality of the built environment into definite ‘functions’, ‘users’ and Cartesian ‘space’, how might the architect reconceptualise the spatial organisation of the contemporary dwelling interior? A ‘research by design’ method provides a systematic framework for this enquiry. A simultaneous ‘two-fold movement’ occurs between retrospective analysis of case study projects and formative theory including traditional Japanese spatial praxis, the picturesque movement and ‘post-functionalist’ architectural ideas, which are then synthesised together through the development of three prospective design enquiries. These enquiries result in the production of ‘epistemic artefacts’ that take the form of physical models. Qualitative analysis of these proposals enables the extraction of embodied knowledge, which in turn influences the retrospective research concurrently. Knowledge produced over the course of the research enquiries are disseminated through the written monograph and its accompanying ‘epistemic artefacts’. Through a reconceptualisation of the contemporary dwelling interior as a ‘domestic landscape’ the notion of ‘Dwellscape’ is proposed as a productive spatial organisation strategy. A ‘Dwellscape’ is defined as a continuous ‘domestic landscape’ composed of a relational field-configuration of distinct architectural elements, which define ‘places’ that accommodate specific activities, as well as, delineating ambiguous interstitial ‘places’ that can support inhabitant appropriation in a multitude of ways. Three important constituent aspects of ‘Dwellscape’ emerge from the research, which includes an approach to spatial organisation based upon a ‘relational fieldconfiguration’, the value of ‘threshold’ places and finally, a focus on providing opportunities for inhabitant ‘appropriation’. It is the position of this dissertation that the ‘Dwellscape’ concept can be utilised as a formative approach to the spatial organisation of the domestic interior, which productively challenges functionalist planning strategies that continue to inform contemporary architectural praxis. Over the course of this project, the research by design enquiries show practical manifestations of the ‘Dwellscape’ concept. Through emphasis on the use of physical models, ‘pictorial planning’ has emerged as a productive counter-point to the dominance of a planimetric approach to spatial organisation. It is intended that the findings of this research project make a valuable contribution to a critical discourse on the spatial organisation of the contemporary dwelling interior.
Dwellscape:The Contemporary Dwelling Interior as a Domestic Landscape
Lee, Nicholas Thomas (author)
Lee , N T 2019 , Dwellscape : The Contemporary Dwelling Interior as a Domestic Landscape .
Electronic Resource
British Library Online Contents | 2008
|Utzon : dwelling, landscape, place and making
TIBKAT | 2013
|RASSEGNA Domestic landscape: a choice of materials and solutions for interior finishes
Online Contents | 2007
|Online Contents | 2011