A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism
Evaluating Dance Consumption through the Experiential Value Approach ; Ocjenjivanje korištenja usluge plesa pristupom iskustvene vrijednosti
Purpose – The experiential paradigm has been confirmed as a valuable means to explore and understand people’s consumption of cultural services, thus drawing an increasing interest in the marketing and consumer behavior literature. In this context, consumers’ behavioral decisions are considered not as merely functional but also strongly influenced by emotional dimensions and intrinsic aspects. As consumption of arts is strongly associated with feelings, the experiential approach is a valuable lens for exploring and understanding individuals who consume cultural services. This paper therefore adopts the experiential approach to assess dance as a consumption experience, which is meant to be inter-subjective, i.e. different by demographic profiles. In particular, it analyzes the habits (frequency of attendance, sources of information, motives, and barriers) and attitudes (perceived value and intention) of people towards dance shows, considering different demographic profiles of respondents. Design/Methodology/Approach – An exploratory and descriptive marketing research was undertaken after developing a literature review. The research was conducted through personal survey using a structured questionnaire. Quota sampling (age and gender) was the method used to select the sample, which comprised 672 individuals. Univariate and multivariate analysis were conducted to statistically process the information gathered. Findings and implications – Research results show that major differences regarding the consumption of dance may be explained by gender. Women scored higher on different motives (personal, emotional, learning) for attending such type of plays, while men scored higher on barriers (dislike, other options, misunderstanding). In addition, differences in every item of perceived value of dance were statistically significant, being higher for female survey participants. These results could be of interest to marketing decision makers in adjusting strategies to their target audiences. Limitations – This study only offers a snapshot of the research field examined and is descriptive in nature. Originality – Although the experiential marketing framework can be applied to many different fields thanks to its applicability, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no attempts have been made to research the habits and attitudes associated with the attendance of dance shows. The present paper addresses this issue. ; Svrha – Iskustvena se paradigma pokazala značajnom u istraživanju i razumijevanju konzumacije usluga u kulturi, a time za nju raste i interes u literaturi iz područja marketinga i ponašanja potrošača. U ovom kontekstu odluke o ponašanju potrošača ne smatraju se samo funkcionalnima, već su snažno pod utjecajem emocionalnih dimenzija i intrinzičnih aspekata. Budući da je konzumacija umjetnosti visoko povezana s osjećajima, iskustveni pristup pruža vrijedan pogled u istraživanje i razumijevanje pojedinčeve konzumacije usluga kulture. Zbog toga se u radu koristi iskustveni pristup da bi se ocijenio ples kao iskustvo potrošnje, koje se razlikuje ovisno o demografskom profilu korisnika. Analiziraju se navike ljudi (učestalost pohađanja, izvori informacija, motivi i prepreke) i stavovi (percipirana vrijednost i namjera) prema plesnim priredbama s obzirom na različite demografske profile ispitanika. Metodološki pristup – Nakon izrade pregleda literature, provedeno je izviđajno i opisno istraživanje. Primijenjeno je osobno ispitivanje uz pomoć strukturiranog anketnog upitnika. Korišten je kvotni uzorak (s obzirom na dob i spol) koji je obuhvatio 672 ispitanika. U statističkoj obradi prikupljenih podataka primijenjene su univarijatna i multivarijatna analiza. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati pokazuju da spol objašnjava glavne razlike pri korištenju usluge plesa. Kod žena različiti su motivi (osobni, emocionalni, učenje) postigli veće vrijednosti za sudjelovanje u takvoj vrsti aktivnosti, dok su muškarci motivirani barijerama (nesviđanjem, drugim mogućnostima, nerazumijevanjem). Osim toga, razlike u česticama koje mjere percipiranu vrijednost plesa statistički su značajne tako da su više vrijednosti za ženske ispitanike. Ovi rezultati mogu biti zanimljivi donositeljima marketinških odluka kako bi prilagodili strategije prema svojim ciljnim skupinama. Ograničenja – Istraživanje nudi samo kratak uvid – snimak u područje istraživanja pa je po svojoj prirodi opisno. Doprinos – Iako se, zbog svoje primjenjivosti, iskustveni pristup može koristiti u različitim područjima marketinga, prema saznanjima autora, do sada nisu istraživane navike i stavovi potrošača prema posjećivanju plesnih priredbi. Stoga se rad bavi ovom problematikom.
Evaluating Dance Consumption through the Experiential Value Approach ; Ocjenjivanje korištenja usluge plesa pristupom iskustvene vrijednosti
Purpose – The experiential paradigm has been confirmed as a valuable means to explore and understand people’s consumption of cultural services, thus drawing an increasing interest in the marketing and consumer behavior literature. In this context, consumers’ behavioral decisions are considered not as merely functional but also strongly influenced by emotional dimensions and intrinsic aspects. As consumption of arts is strongly associated with feelings, the experiential approach is a valuable lens for exploring and understanding individuals who consume cultural services. This paper therefore adopts the experiential approach to assess dance as a consumption experience, which is meant to be inter-subjective, i.e. different by demographic profiles. In particular, it analyzes the habits (frequency of attendance, sources of information, motives, and barriers) and attitudes (perceived value and intention) of people towards dance shows, considering different demographic profiles of respondents. Design/Methodology/Approach – An exploratory and descriptive marketing research was undertaken after developing a literature review. The research was conducted through personal survey using a structured questionnaire. Quota sampling (age and gender) was the method used to select the sample, which comprised 672 individuals. Univariate and multivariate analysis were conducted to statistically process the information gathered. Findings and implications – Research results show that major differences regarding the consumption of dance may be explained by gender. Women scored higher on different motives (personal, emotional, learning) for attending such type of plays, while men scored higher on barriers (dislike, other options, misunderstanding). In addition, differences in every item of perceived value of dance were statistically significant, being higher for female survey participants. These results could be of interest to marketing decision makers in adjusting strategies to their target audiences. Limitations – This study only offers a snapshot of the research field examined and is descriptive in nature. Originality – Although the experiential marketing framework can be applied to many different fields thanks to its applicability, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no attempts have been made to research the habits and attitudes associated with the attendance of dance shows. The present paper addresses this issue. ; Svrha – Iskustvena se paradigma pokazala značajnom u istraživanju i razumijevanju konzumacije usluga u kulturi, a time za nju raste i interes u literaturi iz područja marketinga i ponašanja potrošača. U ovom kontekstu odluke o ponašanju potrošača ne smatraju se samo funkcionalnima, već su snažno pod utjecajem emocionalnih dimenzija i intrinzičnih aspekata. Budući da je konzumacija umjetnosti visoko povezana s osjećajima, iskustveni pristup pruža vrijedan pogled u istraživanje i razumijevanje pojedinčeve konzumacije usluga kulture. Zbog toga se u radu koristi iskustveni pristup da bi se ocijenio ples kao iskustvo potrošnje, koje se razlikuje ovisno o demografskom profilu korisnika. Analiziraju se navike ljudi (učestalost pohađanja, izvori informacija, motivi i prepreke) i stavovi (percipirana vrijednost i namjera) prema plesnim priredbama s obzirom na različite demografske profile ispitanika. Metodološki pristup – Nakon izrade pregleda literature, provedeno je izviđajno i opisno istraživanje. Primijenjeno je osobno ispitivanje uz pomoć strukturiranog anketnog upitnika. Korišten je kvotni uzorak (s obzirom na dob i spol) koji je obuhvatio 672 ispitanika. U statističkoj obradi prikupljenih podataka primijenjene su univarijatna i multivarijatna analiza. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati pokazuju da spol objašnjava glavne razlike pri korištenju usluge plesa. Kod žena različiti su motivi (osobni, emocionalni, učenje) postigli veće vrijednosti za sudjelovanje u takvoj vrsti aktivnosti, dok su muškarci motivirani barijerama (nesviđanjem, drugim mogućnostima, nerazumijevanjem). Osim toga, razlike u česticama koje mjere percipiranu vrijednost plesa statistički su značajne tako da su više vrijednosti za ženske ispitanike. Ovi rezultati mogu biti zanimljivi donositeljima marketinških odluka kako bi prilagodili strategije prema svojim ciljnim skupinama. Ograničenja – Istraživanje nudi samo kratak uvid – snimak u područje istraživanja pa je po svojoj prirodi opisno. Doprinos – Iako se, zbog svoje primjenjivosti, iskustveni pristup može koristiti u različitim područjima marketinga, prema saznanjima autora, do sada nisu istraživane navike i stavovi potrošača prema posjećivanju plesnih priredbi. Stoga se rad bavi ovom problematikom.
Evaluating Dance Consumption through the Experiential Value Approach ; Ocjenjivanje korištenja usluge plesa pristupom iskustvene vrijednosti
Cuadrado, Manuel (author) / Šerić, Maja (author) / G. Gallarza, Martina (author)
Market-Tržište ; ISSN 0353-4790 (Print) ; ISSN 1849-1383 (Online) ; Volume 30 ; Issue 2
Article (Journal)
Electronic Resource
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