A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism
Materials selection of reinforced sustainable composites by recycling waste plastics and agro-waste: An integrated multi-criteria decision making approach
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Highlights Developed sustainable composites like floor tiles for buildings and pavements. The materials have been developed by recycling plastics and agro waste. MCDM is employed to identify the suitable composition for polymeric composites. A hybrid AHP-WASPAS has been employed to rank the composites. Comparisons, Sensitivity analysis, Statistical consistency have been carried out.
Abstract Due to the synergic interaction of matrix and reinforcement, the workability of polymeric composite materials has shown its dependency on compositions. In the present study, Weighted Aggregate Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) has been applied for ranking the developed sustainable polymeric composite materials. The different properties of composite materials, namely compressive strength, flexural strength, density, abrasive wear, and water absorption were the criteria for ranking of the alternatives. The criteria have been weighted through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). To examine the consistency and robustness of the proposed integrated approach, various comparative and sensitivity analyses have been carried out. The correlation coefficients between the ranking results of the proposed and some other existing MCDM techniques have been computed to observe the statistical consistency. Empirical findings of the methods suggest 70 wt% of polypropylene, 15 wt% of rice husk ash and 15 wt. %of sand as the best composition for polymeric composite material as floor tile. The study validates that the MCDM techniques can be successfully applied for ranking of the alternatives and can enhance the materials selection process. The study will significantly help industrial managers involved in the selection process of polymeric composites.
Materials selection of reinforced sustainable composites by recycling waste plastics and agro-waste: An integrated multi-criteria decision making approach
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Highlights Developed sustainable composites like floor tiles for buildings and pavements. The materials have been developed by recycling plastics and agro waste. MCDM is employed to identify the suitable composition for polymeric composites. A hybrid AHP-WASPAS has been employed to rank the composites. Comparisons, Sensitivity analysis, Statistical consistency have been carried out.
Abstract Due to the synergic interaction of matrix and reinforcement, the workability of polymeric composite materials has shown its dependency on compositions. In the present study, Weighted Aggregate Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) has been applied for ranking the developed sustainable polymeric composite materials. The different properties of composite materials, namely compressive strength, flexural strength, density, abrasive wear, and water absorption were the criteria for ranking of the alternatives. The criteria have been weighted through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). To examine the consistency and robustness of the proposed integrated approach, various comparative and sensitivity analyses have been carried out. The correlation coefficients between the ranking results of the proposed and some other existing MCDM techniques have been computed to observe the statistical consistency. Empirical findings of the methods suggest 70 wt% of polypropylene, 15 wt% of rice husk ash and 15 wt. %of sand as the best composition for polymeric composite material as floor tile. The study validates that the MCDM techniques can be successfully applied for ranking of the alternatives and can enhance the materials selection process. The study will significantly help industrial managers involved in the selection process of polymeric composites.
Materials selection of reinforced sustainable composites by recycling waste plastics and agro-waste: An integrated multi-criteria decision making approach
Soni, Ashish (author) / Chakraborty, Sayanta (author) / Kumar Das, Pankaj (author) / Kumar Saha, Apu (author)
Article (Journal)
Electronic Resource
Analytic Hierarchy Process , Material selection , Multi-Criteria Decision Making , Sustainable composites , WASPAS , AHP , ANN , Artificial Neural Networks , ARAS , Additive Ration Assessment , BAA , Border Approximation Area , BWM , Best Worst Method , CoCoSo , Combined Compromise Solution , CODAS , Combinative Distance-based Assessment , COPRAS , Complex Proportional Assessment , CRITIC , Criteria Importance Through Inter criteria Correlation , DoM , Degree of Membership , EDAS , Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution , ELECTRA , Elimination Of Choice Translating Reality , EVAMIX , Evaluation of Mixed Data Methods , EXPROM2 , Extension of Preference Ranking Organization 2 , FIS , Fuzzy Interface Systems (FIS) , FNAP , Fuzzy Analytic Network Process , FUCOM , Full Consistency Method<hsp></hsp> , GA , Genetic Algorithms , GP , Goal Programming , GTMA , Graph Theory And Matrix Representation Approach , KBS , Knowledge-based System , IVFRN , Interval-valued Fuzzy Rough Number , TFN , Triangular Fuzzy Number , TOPSIS , Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to ideal Solution , VIKOR , Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija KompromisnoResenje , Weighted Aggregate Sum Product Assessment , WPM , Weighted Product Model , WSM , Weighted Sum Model , LBWM , Linguistic Best Worst Method , MABAC , Multi-attributive Border Approximation Area Comparison , MAIRCA , Multi-Attributive Real-Ideal Comparative Analysis , MARCOS , Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution , MCDM , MEMS , Micro-Electrical-Mechanical- Systems , MEREC , Method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria , MUA , Multi-Attribute Utility Analysis , PCM , Phase Change Material , PDC , Performance Determining Criteria , PROMETHEE , Preference Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation , PSI , Preference Selection Index , QFD , Quality Function Deployment , RHA , Rice Husk Ash , SA , Sensitivity Analysis , SF , Spherical Fuzzy , SAW , Simple Additive Weighting , SECA , Simultaneous Evaluation of Criteria and Alternatives , SWOT , Strength Weakness Opportunities Treats
Application of agro-waste for sustainable construction materials: A review
Online Contents | 2013