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FLUCTUATIONS OF SOLID SUBGRADE ; Колебания основной площадки земляного полотна
For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version). ABSTRACT The results of measurements of the characteristics of vertical oscillations of the base of the main site of a stable embankment of subgrade of a railway track under the influence of an electric locomotive VL-80 with different speeds of movement are given. Experimental studies were carried out in Kazakhstan on the section of the enlarged Almaty maintenance section. The dependencies of the parameters of the oscillatory process on the speed of locomotive motion that can be used as evaluation criteria in the development of railway embankment monitoring systems are revealed. The expediency of further experimental studies in the zones of problem embankments with soils prone to thixotropy was noted. Keywords: railway track, subgrade, main platform, vibration speed, vibration displacement, vibration acceleration, vibrogram, accelerogram, amplitude-frequency characteristics. REFERENCES 1.GOST R ISO 14837-1-2007 Vibration.Noise and vibration caused by rail vehicles.Part 1.General guidelines [GOST R ISO 14837-1-2007 Vibracija. Shum i vibracija, sozdavaemye rel’sovym transportom. Chast’ 1. Obshhee rukovodstvo]. 2.Konshin, G. G. Vibrational method of diagnosing embankments [Vibracionnyj metod diagnostiki nasypej].Put’ i putevoe hozjajstvo, 2007, Iss.10, pp.22-25. 3.Kamensky, V. B. Directions for improving the system of track maintenance [Napravlenija sovershenstvovanija sistemy vedenija putevogo hozjajstva].Moscow, NIITKD, 2009, 392 p. 4.EN13481-6:2002 Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Part 6: Special fastening systems for attenuation of vibration.[Electronic resource]: http://pandia.ru/text/78/013/2526-6.php.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 5.VDI 3837:2006 Ground-borne vibration in the vicinity of local public transport railways.[Electronic resource]: http://www.complexdoc.ru/text/%D0%93%D0%9E%D0% A1%D0%A2%20%D0%A0%20%D0%98%D0%A1 %D0%9E%2014837-1-2007/88.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 6.DIN45672 Vibration measurement associated with railway traffic systems.[Electronic resource]: http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_ics_browse? ICS1=17&ICS2=160.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 7.ISO 2017-2:2007 Mechanical vibration and shock - Resilient mounting systems - Part 2: Technical information to be exchanged for the application of isolation vibration associated with railways systems.[Electronic resource]: http://files.stroyinf.ru/Data2/1/4293792/ 4293792717.htm.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 8.Jonsson, J. O. On ground and structural vibrations related to related to railway traffic // PhD Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology. - Sweden, 2000.[Electronic resource]: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:9046/ fulltext01.pdf.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 9.Krylov, V. V. Noise and vibration from high speed trains // Thomas Telford, 2001.[Electronic resource]: https://books.google.ru/books?id=7QqkAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA507&lpg.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 10.Madshus, C., Bessason, B., Harvik, L. Prediction model for low frequency vibration from high speed railways on soft ground.Journal of Sound and Vibration,1996, Iss.193(1), pp.195-203. 11.Talbot, J. P. On the performance of base-isolated buildings: A generic model // DPhil, Cambridge University. - 2001.[Electronic resource]: http://www.skonline.ru/ digest/52553.html?page=10.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 12.Sharif, A. K. Dynamic performance investigation of base isolated structures // PhD, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, 1999. ; Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Приведены результаты измерений характеристик вертикальных колебаний бровки основной площадки устойчивой насыпи земляного полотна железнодорожного пути при воздействии электровоза ВЛ-80 с различными скоростями движения. Экспериментальные исследования проводились в Казахстане на участке укрупнённой Алматинской дистанции пути. Выявлены зависимости параметров колебательного процесса от скорости движения локомотива, которые могут использоваться в качестве критериев оценки при разработке систем мониторинга железнодорожных насыпей. Отмечена целесообразность дальнейших экспериментальных исследований в зонах проблемных насыпей с грунтами, склонными к тиксотропии.
FLUCTUATIONS OF SOLID SUBGRADE ; Колебания основной площадки земляного полотна
For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version). ABSTRACT The results of measurements of the characteristics of vertical oscillations of the base of the main site of a stable embankment of subgrade of a railway track under the influence of an electric locomotive VL-80 with different speeds of movement are given. Experimental studies were carried out in Kazakhstan on the section of the enlarged Almaty maintenance section. The dependencies of the parameters of the oscillatory process on the speed of locomotive motion that can be used as evaluation criteria in the development of railway embankment monitoring systems are revealed. The expediency of further experimental studies in the zones of problem embankments with soils prone to thixotropy was noted. Keywords: railway track, subgrade, main platform, vibration speed, vibration displacement, vibration acceleration, vibrogram, accelerogram, amplitude-frequency characteristics. REFERENCES 1.GOST R ISO 14837-1-2007 Vibration.Noise and vibration caused by rail vehicles.Part 1.General guidelines [GOST R ISO 14837-1-2007 Vibracija. Shum i vibracija, sozdavaemye rel’sovym transportom. Chast’ 1. Obshhee rukovodstvo]. 2.Konshin, G. G. Vibrational method of diagnosing embankments [Vibracionnyj metod diagnostiki nasypej].Put’ i putevoe hozjajstvo, 2007, Iss.10, pp.22-25. 3.Kamensky, V. B. Directions for improving the system of track maintenance [Napravlenija sovershenstvovanija sistemy vedenija putevogo hozjajstva].Moscow, NIITKD, 2009, 392 p. 4.EN13481-6:2002 Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Part 6: Special fastening systems for attenuation of vibration.[Electronic resource]: http://pandia.ru/text/78/013/2526-6.php.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 5.VDI 3837:2006 Ground-borne vibration in the vicinity of local public transport railways.[Electronic resource]: http://www.complexdoc.ru/text/%D0%93%D0%9E%D0% A1%D0%A2%20%D0%A0%20%D0%98%D0%A1 %D0%9E%2014837-1-2007/88.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 6.DIN45672 Vibration measurement associated with railway traffic systems.[Electronic resource]: http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_ics_browse? ICS1=17&ICS2=160.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 7.ISO 2017-2:2007 Mechanical vibration and shock - Resilient mounting systems - Part 2: Technical information to be exchanged for the application of isolation vibration associated with railways systems.[Electronic resource]: http://files.stroyinf.ru/Data2/1/4293792/ 4293792717.htm.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 8.Jonsson, J. O. On ground and structural vibrations related to related to railway traffic // PhD Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology. - Sweden, 2000.[Electronic resource]: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:9046/ fulltext01.pdf.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 9.Krylov, V. V. Noise and vibration from high speed trains // Thomas Telford, 2001.[Electronic resource]: https://books.google.ru/books?id=7QqkAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA507&lpg.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 10.Madshus, C., Bessason, B., Harvik, L. Prediction model for low frequency vibration from high speed railways on soft ground.Journal of Sound and Vibration,1996, Iss.193(1), pp.195-203. 11.Talbot, J. P. On the performance of base-isolated buildings: A generic model // DPhil, Cambridge University. - 2001.[Electronic resource]: http://www.skonline.ru/ digest/52553.html?page=10.Last accessed 25.04.2016. 12.Sharif, A. K. Dynamic performance investigation of base isolated structures // PhD, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, 1999. ; Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Приведены результаты измерений характеристик вертикальных колебаний бровки основной площадки устойчивой насыпи земляного полотна железнодорожного пути при воздействии электровоза ВЛ-80 с различными скоростями движения. Экспериментальные исследования проводились в Казахстане на участке укрупнённой Алматинской дистанции пути. Выявлены зависимости параметров колебательного процесса от скорости движения локомотива, которые могут использоваться в качестве критериев оценки при разработке систем мониторинга железнодорожных насыпей. Отмечена целесообразность дальнейших экспериментальных исследований в зонах проблемных насыпей с грунтами, склонными к тиксотропии.
FLUCTUATIONS OF SOLID SUBGRADE ; Колебания основной площадки земляного полотна
S. Burombaev A. (author) / A. Zamukhovsky V. (author) / M. Kvashnin Ya. (author) / С. Буромбаев А. (author) / А. Замуховский В. (author) / М. Квашнин Я. (author)
World of Transport and Transportation; Том 14, № 5 (2016); 38-45 ; Мир транспорта; Том 14, № 5 (2016); 38-45 ; 1992-3252
Article (Journal)
Electronic Resource
Russian , English
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